I fully understand your concerns.
I think this a commonly shared concept. I think most people who look at 300 Ohm twin-lead cable, are old enough to remember when 300 Ohm "TV Ribbon" was used for receiving systems, and was available in every grocery, drug and hardware store in North America.
This is not the products we are discussing.
The 300/450 Ohm twin-lead (Ladder Line) has been used by Military and Amateur's since before WWII.
The product I am presently using is 300 Ohm. This is used not only on my phasing harness between my "Phased Dipoles" (see Lazy H / but laying Horizontal).
I also use it as feedline from the tuner on my bench to antenna array.
This and similar products are available from several sources that serve the Amateur community.
This product consists of 2/18 AWG stranded/(19) copper clad steel conductors with a PVC/Teflon coating.
This product has a V.F.of 0.88% and a
Power Rating of 2500 watts CCS.
(CCS)Continuous Commercial Service, for those that do not recognize that term.
This equates to roughly between 3-4+ KW PEP. IARS
This is certainly acceptable for most Amateurs in the North American region.
(even CK
These type of products are light, easy to terminate and only have minor effects from weather conditions, (if I do not make a large frequency change or bands I can go days without ever retweeking the tuner)
The 450 Ohm products are similar in spec's and are also easily acquired.
I have zero issue with anyone building their own EVER!...but for me ease of use, weight and Windload were the determining factors.
All the Best