Whoa... what's that burnt spot in the yard behind it? Is that where the aliens landed, just before they zapped your antenna and changed its material properties?
Whoa... what's that burnt spot in the yard behind it? Is that where the aliens landed, just before they zapped your antenna and changed its material properties?
Hey man, you're reading my mind. That was fast work. That coil probably got you closer to were Homer first suggested...as the possible fix he suggested.
You might be able to get the match near perfect if you raise the antenna a bit to allow for some more radial angle, even with only 1 radial, slanted down at the correct angle. You can also play with the length of each element from 102"/108" inches too.
The slanted down radial is what helps improve the match the most in this case. You may have to go higher to keep the radial above the ground a little however.
That metal pole probably makes the difference, as it is now part of the antenna. I would try it and see how well it works. I wouldn't worry too much about a 1.4:1 swr. A perfect dipole would be about 1.5:1 in a 50 ohm system, anyway. Making it an inverted V brings it close to 50 ohms, and the sloping radial made it kinda like an inverted V that fell over. Adding the metal pole in line with the radiator might have pushed it closer to 70 ohms again.Raised the antenna 6’ higher. Radial now at 45 degrees. SWR went up! From 1.12 to 1.4!
The only difference is it is now on a metal pole rather than a wooden one.