The type of radio you are looking for doesn't exist, as such. There are quite a few modifiable radios that work very well though, such as the ones listed above.
- 'Doc
Doc hit the nail on the head. If you want a dedicated 10 meter rig find a nice HTX-100. Or just use a hf rig like the others mentioned. 10/11 meter rigs are all, without exception, poorly engineered and cheaply made. This is so the prices and features will attract CB'ers.
I'd forgotten to mention the HTC-10, it's relatively inexpensive.
I don't agree with the other statement though. Although there are more than a few cheaply made inferior designs out there, there are also some nicely made rigs as well. The President Lincoln, (the last incarnation of the HR-2510/HTX-100 line.) As well as the Clear Channel AT-3500 immediately come to mind. I'm not big on blanket statements... There are, most certainly, exceptions.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
What part of the marketplace were the rigs you mention supposed to appeal to? They were easily modifiable radios to work on the CB channels. I don't even want to go there by the way And the rigs RS sold were the HTX-100 and the HTX-10.
I have a 2510 and the receive is as wide and as bad as they come. Can you tell me why that is and what the radio does not have in common with the HTX -100??
The HTX-100 used a 3 KHz IF Filter.
The Hr radio used the 5KHz IF Filter.
This is because the Hr and Lincoln radios where all mode.
The HTX-100 was CW/USB only so there was no problem with the narrow filter.
I think the The Yeticom OPTIMA is going in the right direction with switchable filters, better FM, repeater offsets.. for a 10/12 meter mobile.
I really think the guys are putting a good effort into building a decent radio.
And it seems the Factory is working with him.
As this next cycle, 10 ( and 11 ) and 12 meters will become active again, and I think with the bottom of 10 open to new techs will do well.
We may soon start hearing more dual band mobiles on the bands..... small radio`s, and short ( relativity ) antennas make 10 and 12 meters a good mobile HF set up.
No dealers that I've heard of. Everyone who has one, got it direct from Yeticom.Are the Yeticom mobiles available stateside yet?