Check out the readme, this is an awesome project.I also have a waterfall ability with my ICOM 7600 but I don’t care for a waterfall myself.I much prefer the Band Scope.
Check out the readme, this is an awesome project.I also have a waterfall ability with my ICOM 7600 but I don’t care for a waterfall myself.I much prefer the Band Scope.
I have heard 11 meters going Crazy & can't find a beacon or any other signals on 10 meters so I quit using that method long ago.11 meters has far better condition & it's one reason I HATE the FCC for giving away the best band when 10 meters should have become the CB Band.
I have heard 11 meters going Crazy & can't find a beacon or any other signals on 10 meters so I quit using that method long ago.
You are one of the VERY few that have a grudge against the FCC for that. AFAIAC CB should never have been put on any HF band and should have been on VHF or UHF considering what it's originally intended purpose was and all the restrictions imposed on it due to it's allocation at 11m. The potential for television interference is virtually nil on V/UHF, low power and higher gain antennas are the way to go to minimize interference and maximize range, FM is SOOO much clearer than AM, and you don't have that little "skip" issue to try and enforce. Not that they have for years but it was on the books.
I agree that the CW requirement should have never been eliminated. What I think would have been good when the international Morse code requirement ended is as follows:
Technician: all privileges of Tech Plus with no Morse requirement. That means full privileges on VHF and above, CW in the N/T subbands of 80, 40, 15 and 10, and 10M phone on 28.3-28.5. Actually I would probably be on board with expanded 10M privileges for Technicians to include the 29 MHz FM and AM subbands.
General: written and 5 wpm code.
Advanced: written and 13 wpm code, just as it used to be.
Extra: again just as it used to be, written and 20 wpm code.
As for 11M, like I said it is what it is. As least it is getting some use. If 11M CB didn't exist, neither would the inexpensive radios we enjoy playing with. 11M would be just another unused band on our expensive HF rigs. Don't think so? Alright, then tell me why there is so little activity on 12M.
And who would we even talk to on an 11M ham band? We couldn't talk to any of the foreign DX on 11, because they're not Amateur allocations either. Cross-service communication is illegal.
Ham radio would have died quick death of CW was kept. I summit the best at CW, 10wpm, but I am glad it's not a requirement (except for Extra as there are way to many book smart extras)I agree that the CW requirement should have never been eliminated. What I think would have been good when the international Morse code
I agree that the CW requirement should have never been eliminated. What I think would have been good when the international Morse code requirement ended is as follows:
Technician: all privileges of Tech Plus with no Morse requirement. That means full privileges on VHF and above, CW in the N/T subbands of 80, 40, 15 and 10, and 10M phone on 28.3-28.5. Actually I would probably be on board with expanded 10M privileges for Technicians to include the 29 MHz FM and AM subbands.
General: written and 5 wpm code.
Advanced: written and 13 wpm code, just as it used to be.
Extra: again just as it used to be, written and 20 wpm code.
As for 11M, like I said it is what it is. As least it is getting some use. If 11M CB didn't exist, neither would the inexpensive radios we enjoy playing with. 11M would be just another unused band on our expensive HF rigs. Don't think so? Alright, then tell me why there is so little activity on 12M.
And who would we even talk to on an 11M ham band? We couldn't talk to any of the foreign DX on 11, because they're not Amateur allocations either. Cross-service communication is illegal.
Ham radio would have died quick death of CW was kept. I summit the best at CW, 10wpm, but I am glad it's not a requirement (except for Extra as there are way to many book smart extras)
Both 17 and 30 are quite popular, and it is not difficult to make contacts on both. Not 12, though: it's dead even during band openings.The WARC Bands have never been as popular as the other bands none of them.I don’t mind because they are also the only escape from the endless Contesting that ruins the rest of the bands on so many weekends of the year.I escape to the WARC Bands because I Hate Contesting and of not for them I would not turn my HF/6 meter radio on all weekend during those times and that’s a lot of weekends.
I don't consider myself an expert Morse operator, but I worked my way through all of the license classes including Advanced and Extra. One of my favorite facets of the radio hobby is building and operating simple, CW-only QRP rigs.I never wanted to be an Extra Class and never will be.I am Retired and don’t have enough time to operate all of the band space I have as a General Class.I passed the 5 wpm code with straight copy and don’t know any code since it’s been a long time and I Hate the sound of code because it gives me a headache.
28.225 is a calling frequincy. You need more coverage. Sometimes its pretty active arouns 28.370 to 28.470Nope it stops at 28.307 so the whole band is not covered.