I agree the Moxon is a great antenna, I currently use one for 11m, a HPSD one made by Henry.
I do have an Imax 2000 also but I'm unable to test directly against the moxon, I do however have a vertical 1/2 wave mounted above my Moxon. Ideally the vertical would be a 5/8 wave GP but this would be impractical for me to mount above the Moxon and the Imax 2000 is a bit of a handful so I opted for a simple lightweight no ground plane 1/2 wave for this reason.
To be fair it is not often that I receive a signal on the moxon that cannot be heard also when I switch to the vertical 1/2 wave, BUT I can say for sure that the Moxon outperforms it probably 95% of the time for DX, that can range from 1 'S' point to 4 'S' points of an improvement depending on the propagation of course.
The moxon horizontally is much quieter on receive as far as noise goes, the noise floor on 11m here has my vertical pull in anything from S4 to an S6 noise most of the time, switching to the moxon the noise is an S2 on the meter at most.
Somebody asked also about vertical moxon, I tried this also and yes there is no reason why it should not work BUT when I tried it as an experiment the test was far from ideal as my pole is aluminum, for the moxon to work properly in a vertical configuration you will need a non metallic pole to mount it on, you have the coax also to consider running down through the elements. If yours will be for DX I would strongly suggest keeping the moxon horizontal.