Well this guy Va7PLJ aka 424 royal Canadian trailer trash he calls himself, is a total asswipe like the guy you got out there.Are you saying he is causing his usual interference and then saying its me?
I was "permitted" to make a few contacts on 38LSB into B.C. along with DXMan, Larry in Washington around noon today. It was not long after that "Clown-DX304" decided that was enough and started with the usual noise. I guess I'll have to ask for permission next time before I use his frequency.
... ONLY when I say it's done or he gets hit by a bus (or equivalent).
He fires up his amp and walks on people trying to talk, threatens them, plays music and quacking duck Christmas songs and programs 3 minute long roger beeps on his 955 and plays them over people.
Trying to shoot skip he trys to jam me and takes over the conversion unbeknown to the dx contact.
Today he was being his usual self and then he said "oh and klondikemike says hi" and then laughs.
I thought you and him are maybe buddies.