Well my Bearcat 20/20 arrived today and I had a power code that fit perfectly but the antenna was cut off at the top of the scanner. Finally got the cover off and tried one of at least 8 different antenna's that I have here and none of them fit. There is a antenna jack in the rear and I know I have that type of plug somewhere but can't find it so Im headed for Radio Shack to buy one. I just set one of my antennas on the board where it's supposed to connect, pressed AIRCRAFT and SCAN and now Im listening to 133.325 Mhz and it is busy. What I can't believe is the quality of the incoming signal. It is sharp, clear and super clean. I am going to have a ball with this scanner. I'll run a piece of coax out the back of it and just let it hang out the window. Thanks to Towerdog I have a new toy. :laugh: