Umm, let's back up a step.
Should have suggested listening for the signal that feeds into the driver transistor.
If you have another radio, put it on the same channel and plug a coax jumper into it. Thread the shell of the plug at the far end of the jumper back over the plug and slide it back down the coax. Now the exposed center pin is a half-inch long "sniffing" antenna.
Key the "dead" radio and probe your sniffing antenna around the transmit-mixer section of the radio to see if you can hear a weak transmit signal from the 'dead' radio's transmit side.
If you can't, leave the driver and final alone. Doesn't mean that they are okay. But if you can't hear the signal that feeds into the driver transistor this way, your failure is UPSTREAM from the driver. No point in investigating the driver and final until you have a signal feeding into them. And that "pre-driver" signal should be strong enough to hear in your test receiver. Might have to get your sniffing antenna really close to the transmit-mixer circuit, but you should be able to hear it on the test receiver.
And if you have a 'scope, you don't need to use this trick.