My Frankenstein 148GTL
I bought one of these at a flea market for 30 bucks, really beat up, had holes drilled in it and dirty!

More I thought about it the more I though I should have spent the money on a few six packs!

Stuck with it now so I dug into it.... :bdh: First thing I found was the RF / SWR switch was taped up and tucked inside, in it's place was a crystal switch for additional channels. Also a multi-beep tricked Roger beep, cracked and chipped IF can adjustments, broken S meter, Segments out on the display, holes drilled into the face top right through the plastic and for what reason I'll never figure out!
I striped it down and dug out my junker rigs, a 148 in nice condition, an older grant and a few other rigs all to donate parts to this restoration in progress. The 148 donated replacement IF slug and one IF can from the output stage and a good meter, not to mention the face plate and covers. Removed the channel mod and reinstalled the RF / SWR switch. A few more slugs from the grant including rear panel external sockets for the speaker.
Me thinks the so called "golden screwdriver" person most likely used a rusty screwdriver! :headbang After about a good spin of the minute hand, say five.... I was able to power the 148 up and fount it could transmit but weakly and the receive was poor. I also found it was way off frequency and the open clarifier was not tracking between RX and TX.... To make this long story a bit shorter....
I think I have about 15 hours of restoration and tune-up into the 148 but it did turn out well! If I did not have spares for the various needs of this "beat up" rig I could not have done it! Still not have figures out the voice lock mod as it is so different!
So I named it Frankenstein as it was brought to life with many parts but with out the bolt through the neck! Was it worth it? Absolutely!
73 Rod