I'll send you my box and paperwork, then you can undercut him by 100 dollars...

I'll send you my box and paperwork, then you can undercut him by 100 dollars...
IT's a "good thing" meaning that you have a radio they found a way to use Varactors in, when the package deign that the Varactor came in, was dropped and they did up a different way using a Varactor of a different design.
The radio is fine, just letting you know that in light of it's age, any effort to increase range of tuning requiring a change in parts and components - will require knowing how they "put it together" when otherwise the parts that would have been in there ORIGINALLY are not, since Varactors have a polarity, you will have to install them as they have done.
These are the minor quirks in using an older Discrete-bound chassis when the parts to fix them are no longer made in the same package as it was built around and used - back then.
Varactors are the simpler ones, replacing the Bipolar Transistors no longer made - having to upgrade using types of others that have a different pin out from the original design, are more difficult.
The caution here is, like what Scotty Said to Kirk,
IF it ain't broke, don't fix it.
When you have to fix it, get it fixed, and don't run it like the way you did - when you broke it.- this advice is for all...
Bias needs to be "set" when the radio has had five minutes to warm up - in a normal room (think living room) temperature.
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Your radio - Driver in Blue/Cyan, Final in Purple/Violet.
Me? Id' double check now, before you hit a long road journey that you may need to depend on the radio for saving your life, or saving you time to get around a traffic headache.
- Use a Dummy Load - preferred...Radio on USB or LSB, Mic Gain all the way down no audio
- Use a DVM set for 200mA or 2A - measure at the location above...
- Best to do, DRIVER first - FINAL last
- Pull wire off pin (Push on connector stays with wire - it should be on with Crimp)
- Pin side gets the RED POSITIVE LEAD
- TX Radio into Dummy load
- - observe Reading on meter
- - in 2A it'll show 0.0X
- - in 200mA it will show 0Xx
- Adjust proper trimmer - See above, for proper 50~55mA reading - follow its' proper color code.
- IF Meter Scale is set for 2A - adjust to show 0.05 - not 0.06 not 0.04 - ok?
- Unkey radio
- Disconnect Test Leads, replace connector onto PIN,
- Repeat the above for the other connector - adjust the trimmer following it's color code.
- Because if you don't, are you sure the previous owner set the BIAS like you want?
It's in - These moments of use, that indicates how well you're getting out. This kind of "everyday" use, they are a good way of knowing your radios condition.
They are the best times to know of your signal condition - at having to ask for a good radio check without even having to ask, by just how people are talking to you,
Natural flow of conversation tells you if it works - if they have difficulty, you'll know it, because soon, they grow weary of "That guy that can't get his radio right".
- - some will tell you, others won't - and maybe some might be kind enough to even help you - why guess? Get it right BEFORE your head out.
The more emphasis is placed on making it sound good, not too loud, not muffled, or overdriven, a 3.75 watt carrier or less for normal use - and lower is better to drive the amp if you need, and if you have to run a power mike - remember it's going to pick up everything - all the noises in the cab.. Adjust audio drive and how you use it, accordingly.
I found that installation of a center detent clarifier potentiometer on my 148 “Made in the Malaysia” (AKA “The Turd”) was not a good idea. When moving from the center detent to either direction, the frequency jumped more than I wanted it to just getting the pot off the detent.
I have since changed it back to a non-detent potentiometer and dialed down the amount of “slide” to tame the clarifier.
Just my experience, yours may vary.
It appears your 148 has been recapped. Should give you many years of service!
Never would have thought 1/64" could make that kinda difference,