Well I got a chance to play with the radio a little today. Conversion was no problem, just a little chip resistor to take out, just need to be careful. Out of the box the AM modulation was about 60 percent according to my astatic 600 triple meter, so I got the PC board layout from CBTricks, and located the pots for AM modulation. There are two of them, 1 for hi power, other for low. Set it for 95 Percent using Astatic D104 microphone (the wiring is standard 4 pin Uniden/Galaxy layout.)
Talking to a guy in his mobile about 15 miles from me, I got great audio reports on both Am and Fm. Receive seems plenty sensitive, but bleedover was a bit of a problem. Not as tight as say a Grant or old 148/2000. Receive audio is a little crappy with the built in speaker, but good on my Euro CB external speaker. NB/ANL work ok. Echo and talkback are functional, but will not see much use. The Backlit faceplate is nice.
The channel layout is a little weird, but there are channel charts for it on CBTricks (Thanks, Bennie and all!) Band B is the standard 40, with RC channels included! This thing covers most of 11 meters from 26.065 to 27.855 in 2 bands of 90 channels each, and the rest of the way on through all of ten meters with the other two bands, so you don't lose 10 meters after conversion. The 10KC switch appears to do nothing after conversion to 11 meters, but since the RC channels are selectable with the channel knob, I see no need for it.
It has RF gain which is nice, but only a switchable hi/lo power switch (15 and 4 watts AM/FM carrier) I tried to turn the low power carrier down, but I can only get it to go down to 3 watts. My amps mostly are low drive, and seem happy with 2 watts carrier, but that's OK, I'll run the amp on low power to attenuate a little of that input. The meter seems reasonably accurate, and the radio has a built in SWR meter function, as well as an "antenna" warning light (which I didn't try to test.)
What can I say, for 20 bucks, it works well and looks good. We'll see how it holds up once I get it in my vehicle.