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16 pill

Do you think it is possible to drive a 16 pill mobile amp with an A/C tube box? I was thinking of using a bank of batteries for the 16 pill at 18 volts and hook up my 200 amp battery charger. The A/C box is a Firebird 500. I can probably just use 12 volts instead of 18 volts. I just want to cruise with the 16 pill. I am usuing a Maco 5 element for a antenna and probably will have to change the Gamma Match. Any thoughts.

Running a 16 pill on batteries and a battery charger is just wrong in so many ways.
Man tour a sour little mf uh....pathetic

let's look all of this over........

"Do you think it is possible to drive a 16 pill mobile amp with an A/C tube box?"

as long as you don't exceed the maximum drive input for the type and number of devices used in the 16 transistor amplifier.

"The other thing I have been trying to find out before i drop the hammer is how many watts is an m105c antenna rated at"

it's not the antenna you need to be concerned about, see above.

"The Firebird deadkeys about 250 watts and swings to 350 or 400 watts."

@ 250W you are already exceeding the maximum drive input for the type and number of devices used in the 16 transistor amplifier by 90W.


"I think it calls for 320 amps max. Of course it's a Joker amp so I got the specs from X-Force."

that's because the typical (not maximum) peak current draw for 16X2SC2879's is 320A.

you don't shove 400W into a box with 16X2SC2879's with a combined maximum drive input rating of 160W. that's not class c, it's just bullshit.

class c amplifiers are not designed for am/ssb operation, period.

LINEAR amplifiers (not rf switches) are required for the proper amplification of am/ssb signals and the IMD spec. is just as important as the rest of them.

so hook that firebird up into that 16X2SC2879, blow it up and let's move along. 250, 350 and 400W is way too much drive input for 16X2SC2879's.
Ok....so I'd idgaf why this guy is or thinks he is....he sounds like a ham on a rampage against us cbers. We're way cooler....still get laid and we're a lot more fun to talk skip with lol get a life buddy. Your clearly miserable. Look how you talk to people. Your lucky that your smart enough to let your bitch ass attitude out on the Internet. That's your little safe spot. Maggot.


So to get the rated watts [1600 watts]you would have to drive the 16 harder than 80 watts. Here we are talking about driving a 16 pill with 80 watts compared to the advertised 1x4 drive levels. It seems unreal. Even Ameritron rates their amp higher than the spec because they supposedly can control IMD and get away with it. I think that I will just not drive the piss out of my amp but i will drive it with more than 80 watts maybe about 200 watts sounds like a drastic change from the 500 watts I was using before. I think we have beat this thread to death and I don't think any 16 pill CB amp would be acceptable in Freecells eyes. I really haven't seen any ham amplifiers that use transistors. I know I havent heard of a 16 pill ham amplifier. Why not? Are tubes just more efficient or easier to work
Bro go back to your ham Shack you whiny ass know it all little puke. People like you are the worst. It's fortunate for u I don't know you because there's no doubt you would end up spitting up some red stuff if you mouthed off to me like that you little maggot. Gfys

Ok....so I'd idgaf why this guy is or thinks he is....he sounds like a ham on a rampage against us cbers. We're way cooler....still get laid and we're a lot more fun to talk skip with lol get a life buddy. Your clearly miserable. Look how you talk to people. Your lucky that your smart enough to let your bitch ass attitude out on the Internet. That's your little safe spot. Maggot.
"I don't think any 16 pill CB amp would be acceptable in Freecells eyes."

no one builds a Class AB 16X. the last one was built by TS.
only a Linear Amplifier can faithfully reproduce the original
(amplitude modulated) signal of an am/ssb transmitter.

AmPower, Davemade, Destroyer, Fatboy, Gator & XForce
are NOT Linear Amplifiers.
Man....1x4x16. 15 volts. DRIVE HER!!! the pills will take it and ask for more. As long as you don't over do it they will hang in there for the long haul. THAT'S the type of answer this question needed ten+ yrs ago lol
This is all very simple. He's stuck in the past and hates cbers. It can't be denied as he has made that so very clear. And he's clearly not as good as he thinks. The tech were are using now....ESPECIALLY now in 2020....we now have ldmos transistors.....yea like the blf188xr. ..if anyone reads this and doesn't know what that is....Google it. The input yes....it's very sensitive. It's a little flower. But the output??? Yea that's chuck Norris on steroids with a chip on his shoulder cause he just caught his wife with his brother . Basically the output is so bullet proof.....that they can be I stalled and as long as he input is right....which we've figured out finally. ...the ldmos chip is BULLETPROOF....they can be keyed up for hours with no antenna...you can cut the coax mid key and use the coax.....TO WELD. and they have a swr rating of 65:1. Please....please if your still alive you know it all Weasel....pls tell me how your tubes stack up to that. Oh also....2 watt in....is 1800 OUT. And they're made specifically for rf applications. And I love tube amps. Steel tubes are awesome. But they're also for the simpler folk that aren't as tech handy. The boys with the solid states are the real techs hands down. Fight me lol

Transistorized amplifiers are inherintely broadbanded. They cover from 1.6 to 30+ mhz, depending on the mix of ferrite used.

There are only 2 commercial NO TUNE amplifiers using tubes I know of.

With a tube amp, you have to bandswitch it, then tune it.

With solid state, you bandswitch.

Which sounds simpler and more broadbanded.

Amateur operators use tubes because they don't take as much current. It's a HELL of a lot easier for me to create 3.5 kv DC at an amp than it is for me to come up with the same 12 volts at 400A!

On a short, the HV will just go POP. The LV DC will actually weld wires together.

ICOM and Yeasu both make legal limit solid state stuff. So does Ten Tec, MFJ, JRC, Henry, and a plethora of other manufacturers.

People don't purchase them because it's a pain in the ass to create a legal limit 75M mobile antenna. I know, I have a 16 transistor legal limit FT-857 Yeasu powered mobile. So far, I can fire the amp up on 10, 11, 12 and 15 meters. Working on antennas for the other bands.

So, it has nothing to do with broadbanded or anything else... If anything, your comments where about 100 percent backwards in regards to current tech.

Solid State will take over, but it's gonna be a LONG, HARD FOUGHT battle.

I weren't replying to myself. I realized my quotes were in there after. But obviously I was replying to ass clowns that know nothing or think they know everything. And how long ago it was means nothing. It's up here forever. To be commented on forever. It's not closed who cares. I wanted to say what I had to say and I did. And I'll open this whole shit right back up lol

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