That's funny !This is a display of the Icom IC-7000 rig with the AH4 auto tuner. You can see that Bill was trying to talk to the truck drivers again

That's funny !This is a display of the Icom IC-7000 rig with the AH4 auto tuner. You can see that Bill was trying to talk to the truck drivers again
We should get a group together and do the trip next year as a group??? Split the gas make a hell of an event out of it! What ya think? Rent a van or take a few cars?
This is a display of the Icom IC-7000 rig with the AH4 auto tuner. You can see that Bill was trying to talk to the truck drivers again
IOTA and Icom sticker?
Here is one of the guys that climbed the tower to service the antenna briefly. I'm not sure, but I think the antenna was 3 element phased 80m folded dipole. It looked like a folded dipole yagi, but it also looks like there is coax running to all three elements.
Hey Mole.
It was a pleasure to meet you,Hamer,and Mechanic at Hamvention this year. But you guys really didn't have to go thru all that trouble just to meet me.LOL!!! We had a good 90 min.s or so of ragchewing there I'd say. It's always nice to put a face to the handle and put to rest the impressions we have of one another. I had a great time and really would have enjoyed "bellying up" (literally as you know now!)to the bar w/you guys and throwing back some cold ones,BUT.
Thanks for NOT posting my ugly mugshot here w/the other pics.
It would probably crash the forum software and render it useless for life!!!
Now we all know we don't want that do we?
Don't forget to check into the forum shirt thing when you get settled back in and have the spare time! I thought that was a pretty good idea!
I wound up running into Mechanic a couple more times after we all parted ways! I wonder how many times we actually passed each other on Friday at times and didn't even realize it?
Well,I gotta get back to checking out my Hamvention goodies and watching the Nascar "Allstar" race and some cold bottle's of Bud Light!
Catch y'all later and thanks again fellas. It was a pleasure no doubt!
Thought I would add this one as it seemed a good place! You sort them out!! :tongue:
Here's a few more quick shots of interesting things:
The brand new Flex 3000 outside case
Inside Flex 3000:
FlexRadio software:
A couple of quick points that about the Flex 3000: They said that the case is made of steel and is so strong that even Bill could stand on it. If you saw his pic above, you'll understand why we didn't take them up on the challenge.
This radio and software is truly amazing. The software is showing a real time band spectrum graph & waterfall....not a band sweep like other radios and software. You can click on the peak that you want to listen in on and go to that frequency real time. To change the filter width, you just click and drag the screen on the graph. This makes will make contesting and dealing with DX pileups really easy. The radio sells for $1599 and the specs are on par with competitors from Icom or Yaesu that sell for a whole lot more. These guys said they would take on a Icom 7600 any day.
edit: Here's a pic I just found of the PA section of the Flexradio 3000:
And another shot of the application that "drives" the Flexradios: