I got my set up all hooked up and checked my SWR which seemed to be ok.
Now I'm trying to set up my radio which is a Yaesu FT-7800R.
I have been working on setting up the radio for the local repeater. Which is
W1FN repeater information on 145.330 in Hanover, New Hampshire by
Its Freq. is 145.330-
Tone of 100.0
Input of 144.73
I have gone through the manual and set up the radio for this repeater. I Think i have anyways.
Here is what I have so far. I have the automatic repeater shift on.
I have the freq. that appears on the radio to 145.330 and tone mode of ENC.
The Ctcss tone to 100.00hz.
When I key up the mike I see the display on the radio go to 144.730.
I have the radio on the 10 watt output.
Then I'll hear the repeater after I release the mike.
But when I try to listen to myself with my scanner I don't hear any audio just the keying up of the mike.
Is there anything that I am missing? This is all new to me and I am pretty lost in a lot of it so any help would be great.