this is a 2x2290 box that somebody tried to make into a class c with inch and half transformers
still does not look like it would work from here
i stripped the board and tinned the grounds to improve the current capacity of the thin foil, even though it is double sided board the foil is thin and the throughpins looked puny, this 2879 will draw way more current than the 2290 class c amp it used to be
output transformer only just fits on the board
input transformer soldered in then changed my mind on which side i will ground
used pills and extra ground strapping ready to be soldered
board back in amp realise the wires are scruffy and not wired correctly
biasing almost done, keeping it simple i used a 2 amp 3 leg 9volt regulator
wiring changed and tidied up some, leaves me the old high/low power switch for use as an AB/C biasing switch later on, had to fix shorted transistor in keying circuit.
thats just about it fine tune biasing and make sure it tracks
tested it yesterday not totally happy but it works ok. i set bias at .625volts and fired her up, idle current is a little over 200 milliamp, will check it when the amp is hot with no fan to see if i have enough thermal tracking, input vswr is 1.7:1 so its time to play with the bird and some caps to get input down, output match seems to be spot on into the dummyload very low vswr, on the plus side on air reports are great with no detectable compression or distortion of my audio when driven to a little over 200w pep on ssb, my buddy says "all it does is lift your signal but your audio does not change", i am not so sure its as smooth as he says untill i hear it myself but at least the bias is working
thanks go to mack for the used 2879's, greg for getting me the transformers and 305 team dm for the bust 2pill amp