ok, so if the voltage on the final is changing from 11.8 (a little low, should be 13.8) to 0 on transmit, then at least we know the radio is switching from receive to transmit when we key the mic.
take a look at the schematic
and find Q305 and Q307 in the lower right hand corner.
Q305 is your driver, and Q307 is the final.
So you said that you have no collector voltage on the final (Q307) on transmit.
The voltage for the collectors of the driver and final both start at T201.
you can see that there is a direct line from the power switch to the bottom of T201, and the voltage goes from there, through T201, down through D301, to the collectors of the driver and final.
yes, the voltage for the driver has to go through R318 first.
since this line has voltage on receive, but not transmit, we know that there is something along this path that is shorting this line to ground only on transmit.
the first culprit would be the driver transistor itself (Q305)
so remove this transistor and check it using the diode function of your multimeter.
you might find that it is showing a short between two of the leads.
If this is the case, you can probably just replace it, and be back up and running.
if it checks good, then the next step is to start looking for branches off this voltage line that might have a part shorted to ground that only shows its face on TX.
The first place i would start looking would be D203 and Q309, just because they are the first parts on the one branch that comes off this line.
we'll stop there for now.
post your results and we'll go from there.