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3.814 Bashing???


Oct 6, 2009
Hello all.

This post was brought to my attention by a good friend of mine Frank N2QQF.
It is as follows.
The poster is SR385 KC2RGW Chris...

"The history on the 3814 guys is.

Once...a single instance...

One of the guys on 3.814 intentionally went to 3.872 of all the places on the band to 'work QRP' when the guy almost never ever does that anywhere else on the band. He decided to work QRP about 15mins before Fred started his net. He was asked to please move as the net was starting in 10 mins or so.

The whole band was open at the time and he was working nobody. So it was one guy to please move vs a net of 20+ people that is there nightly on the same schedule. It was a strawman designed to cause trouble for the net.

He didn't ack the polite request to move and continued to call CQ on top of the net.

The guy who initiated this didn't like Fred's net and took an intentional pot-shot at him.

Fred did nothing but hold the net there. Fred never did anything to pursue this guy anywhere else...it was that one instance. The guy has been a jammer and an agitator ever since.

The 'legend' of 3.814 was formed with all the goon squad endless nightly commentary and coordinated jamming efforts ever since.

There was nothing else that happened to cause all this hate there and the guys from 3.814 due to mental disorders of a type I'm not sure has been documented have never let the issue go.

In a nutshell, some of the crew from 3.814 have just made it their hobby to attack Fred. In that group are drunks and people with schizophrenia and other severe mental disorders that perceive that others are actively talking about them on Fred's net so they continue the animosity.

They are only a 5% part-time jamming effort against Fred's net but they are loud voices on 3.814 and you would think without knowing the background that Fred slept with all their wives.

To be clear here, it is a small minority of guys on 3.814 that continue to push this issue, but unfortunately a lot of the dregs they attract don't know the real story so it continues to brew and the legend grows.

The more I found out about the truth of the situation, the more disgusted I got.

This is all why I'm not often around on 3.814 now myself and all the crazy jamming of 3.872 is why I'm not often there either. I'd thought I'd left this mentality behind when I got my ticket and it's not the sort of thing I spend my airtime dealing with.
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What did we do to you Chris for you to call us Drunks & schizophrenics & how in the world have you come to be an authority on what has happened between Fred & the group on 3.814?

I have known Fred for longer than you have had a license to talk on Amateur radio.
How do you know what he has or has not done?
You quite honestly don't have a clue as to what your talking about.

This guy has bad mouthed anyone & everyone that does not agree with his way of thinking.
Part of his preamble states "There will be no childish poor mouthing on the Marconi net" Yet that's all he does!!!

You also admit &/or confirm that Fred started HIS net on top of a operator (KB2AYW Joel I happen to know this is who you were talking about!!) Are you kidding me?

Need I say more about his character?

One more thing..
WX2MIG wrote...
"Trust me Chris, I've learned to take the 3.814 crew with a grain of salt as well, got no beef with either party and would like to keep it that way, but after spending some quality time on 3.814, and listening to the constant griping about Fred and his net, I started to get the picture after a short time.

I've had QSO's with Fred off his net, I got the impression can be a bit of a whacker, but otherwise an alright guy. Don't know that I'd let him date my sister, but I'll talk to the guy on the radio......

At first I thought the whole Mycroni thing was just their North Jersey / New York accents, then I learned it was a stab at Fred's net and thought it humorous at first, but then I realized it was all being taken too far and too seriously. Besides that, some of the 3.814 regulars kinda treated me like a bastard stepchild, I never felt like I was openly welcomed in their circle.....

Also one of the reasons why I haven't been in any big hurry to get my random wire working right again......."

We treated you like "A bastard stepchild"... ?
We welcome EVERYONE with open arms. This is reflected in the list of people I have accumulated on me PC.
We are up to 210 hams that have stopped by to HAVE SOME FUN!!!
And I did nothing to promote anything as far as our FUN little Mycroni net...

Stop your fact less drivel..

Joe Thomas

Don't hide behind your screen name.. SIGN IT!!!

Do you by chance have Fred's call sign? I really do have a eason for asking.
- 'Doc

If you'd rather PM me with it, that's fine.
WOW way to lay the boots to situation!! LMAO!! I think every group on 75-80 gets bashed I talk on one that Ive seen bashed but owell.
Fred's call & Joel KB2AYW comment

Fred's call is KB2IXT.

Here is a comment from Joel KB2AYW.
He is not a member yet...

"I suspect that Chris did not know that I was on 3872 for years doing qrp before Fred was thrown off 40 meters and migrated to 3890 then to 3872. This creates a problem with people who use another persons information as if the information that they where using was there own personal experience.[Known as re-representation] I first met Richie on 3872 doing qrp more than five years ago. [By the way I worked all states except Hawaii and Alaska on 3872 with less than five watts.] However, there is no exclusivity to my working qrp on 3872 and I do not know how it would be humanly-possible for anyone to know different.
If someone wants to phrase my type of humor about the 'Marconie' as "Marconi Net bashing" they are free to do so and to use any language they choose to do it. But they should at least ,Time, Date and order information correctly. "

Ok Park

Are you calling my post Childish or their post.
Assuming (As I have too because of the lack of clarity) you are talking about mine.

There is nothing wrong with defending yourself against insults & mis-information.

Assuming (As I have too because of the lack of clarity) you are talking about theirs.

I agree they should never have posted comments without knowledge of the entire situation & without a doubt... posting insults without knowing who &/or what they are talking about.

Sorry I don't stand idly by while my friends & I are attacked.

Funny I have not seen any reply from the main characters this is about on this board or on the frequency we talk on..

Thank you for your post???

Have a nine day... : )
Ok Park

Are you calling my post Childish or their post.
Assuming (As I have too because of the lack of clarity) you are talking about mine.

There is nothing wrong with defending yourself against insults & mis-information.

Assuming (As I have too because of the lack of clarity) you are talking about theirs.

I agree they should never have posted comments without knowledge of the entire situation & without a doubt... posting insults without knowing who &/or what they are talking about.

Sorry I don't stand idly by while my friends & I are attacked.

Funny I have not seen any reply from the main characters this is about on this board or on the frequency we talk on..

Thank you for your post???

Have a nine day... : )

I looked at WX2MIG's profile and he hasn't logged in since the 19th, he might be taking a break and he may not be able to get on the frequency for reasons he stated in the other thread. His statement about being treated as a bastard stepchild may have a different meaning to him than it does to you, for example.. what would you think if I asked you if you were keeping your ears warm?
You North Jersey guys should go down to MIG's place one weekend, rip down that end fed experiment and stick up a ladderline fed doublet.

Then he will see why people seemed to be ignoring him. You need a SIGNAL on 80 at night. End fed ran-dumb wire ain't gonna do it. It's nice to learn from but operating is another matter.
what would you think if I asked you if you were keeping your ears warm?

A man and a woman go out on a date on New Years Eve.

Everything goes well, until he is driving her home. He gets a flat tire in a snowstorm and isn't dressed for the weather.

As he's changing the tire, he comes in the car to get warm, complaining of very cold hands.

The woman suggests putting his hands between her thighs to warm them quickly.

After he does this a few times, she asks,"Aren't your ears cold, too?"

That's what I think of.
A man and a woman go out on a date on New Years Eve.

Everything goes well, until he is driving her home. He gets a flat tire in a snowstorm and isn't dressed for the weather.

As he's changing the tire, he comes in the car to get warm, complaining of very cold hands.

The woman suggests putting his hands between her thighs to warm them quickly.

After he does this a few times, she asks,"Aren't your ears cold, too?"

That's what I think of.
I looked at WX2MIG's profile and he hasn't logged in since the 19th, he might be taking a break and he may not be able to get on the frequency for reasons he stated in the other thread. His statement about being treated as a bastard stepchild may have a different meaning to him than it does to you, for example.. what would you think if I asked you if you were keeping your ears warm?
Well you might be asking is I've been using head phones but I am of the same thought process as 74.
What I was referring to as being treated like a bastard stepchild.....

I feel like a bastard stepchild on 3.814 because all you guys are running a lot of power through better antenna arrangements then I can stretch across my small suburban lot.
Being limited to approximately 50 to 60 watts through an end fed wire makes it difficult to keep up. There's been several evenings where you guys came booming in, but every attempt I made at calling one of you, or joining into the round table rag chew, I went ignored, or possibly unheard.
Put yourself in my shoes and tell me you wouldn't feel a bit like a bastard stepchild.......?

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