check the power supply for the router. WiFi should not be interfering. Change to 5Gz to see what happens.
If someone already mentioned this idea then I apologize for repeating. I have an older APC power strip that slides on the end of a desk. It has USB charging ports. If you plug an IPhone cable into one of the ports the noise level on my base station, in the same room is equivalent to getting a dental filling. I discovered it one day when I turned the radio on an noise on all channels. So I started retrace everything from the antenna back into the house to see if something got damaged. I remembered a old article about a super load alarm clock sold at truck stops that has a mechanism that a big noise source. So I looked for new electronics nearby. Hope you have luck with the band pass filters.
Years ago.
There was this guy, lived in a apartment , an he was a ham.
Even though he was using the rain gutter system at the complex for working the hf bands he never heard a complaint.
Time passes.
C***** came out and reworked a bunch of cable tv equipment on the building he was in,
and his noise floor jumped up.
A lot.
Many phone calls with C***** service reps yielded no joy.
The problem got solved one day, seems this guy somehow mixed up his coax cables.
He feed rf from his Yaesu, Ameritron , and legal limit tuner into the 75 ohm cable coming in from C*****
When he realised his mistake, he hooked back up to the rain gutter and
was surprised that the noise was gone!
C***** came back out the next day and after several hours fixed the cable tv, it was out in the whole building.
Noise never came back.
Must have hooked the ground the second time.
We moved after that.
Its not my router causing the issue but the power supply for it.
Have a new one on order. Yes I tested all the 2.4 and 5ghz radios and they arent the source of the issue. Its the P/S.
An rf sensing ap? I'm going to have to check that out, thanks.I recently learned what others of you may have known for years. Our wifi seemed to have blind spots, and extenders weren't doing any good. So I wondered about interference when I started hearing weird sounds on my HF rig, too.
I download a rf sensing app to my phone and start looking around the house. To my surprise I walk by the washing machine with my phone in my hand and it signals an rf signature.
I learn that my washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, and microwave all have rf oozing from them even when not in use.
And, I've been through that power block noise thing before. It charged an electric razor.
An rf sensing ap? I'm going to have to check that out, thanks.