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id think twice about using an RCI 2950 on the HF bands. The old coot hams will tear you a new a$$hole for using a "glorified CB" on thier precious ham bands......
id think twice about using an RCI 2950 on the HF bands. The old coot hams will tear you a new a$$hole for using a "glorified CB" on thier precious ham bands......

They would never know you were using a "10 meter radio" unless you told them
id think twice about using an RCI 2950 on the HF bands. The old coot hams will tear you a new a$$hole for using a "glorified CB" on thier precious ham bands......

I really do not know were that came from.
I am a "old Coot" and I have been running a 2950 and 2950 DX on the Ham bands for years, when asked I tell them what I am running and have Never had a problem.
I have also run a Cobra 148 as well as a TRC 448 on ten meters as well.....got plenty of complements on the audio....
I don`t mean to break it off in you Z Man but this is the kind of thing that makes it hard to get new guys to feel comfortable running a 10 meter radio on ten meters.
Sure, if you run a radio that has a disabled AMC or ALC , and a power mic, with the TX butchered so that there are spurs all over hell....it aint right, and many guys on the Air will tell you about it.
Back in my early day when I first got my Lic, I was using a HR2510 on Ten meters, behind that I had a Black face Palomar 400.
I had made several contacts on ten when one Op asked what kind of amp I was running.
I told him it was a solid state amps, he said it sounded like it was distorting slightly, and told me I should open the Amp, find the transistor in the keying relay and short it so the amp would be keyed with no drive, then measure the voltage on the transistors to see if it was biased properly...... told me to look for about .6 volts with no drive.
No ranting, not raving no bad comments.
Every one in this hobby starts fresh, it is the guys that have been around for a few days ( decades ) to mentor new people in the hobby.
Again not to beat you up, but there is nothing wrong with running the 2950 on 10 or 12 meters as long as the radio is working properly.
They really are a good rig on-the-air.
Not every Ham on the Bands act`s like that 10-10 guy on 28.425...Todd :wink:

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i get more grief from running on freeband with my 2950dx than i do on 10m. they tell me i need an icom and i tell them when i have no reason to put that much money into a radio for the truck when they hear this one just fine. they usually get pissed and wont talk to me after that. when that happens i switch to 28.400 and have no problems with anyone. i just wish there was more ragc hewing on 10m. now its just signal checks and a brief introduction and there gone. its become to much like contesting for me.
id think twice about using an RCI 2950 on the HF bands. The old coot hams will tear you a new a$$hole for using a "glorified CB" on thier precious ham bands......

Im an old coot and never had any problems with anyone because Im running one there on the bands as a matter of fact I hear other guys that say are running them or they have one they run once and awhile as I do.

Most of the what some would call snobby old crabby coots are no longer with us (silent keys) Times are changin newe genersations are her and coming you cant lable these people without knowing them or how they are attitude wise.

Comments and hearing things like this depress me because it just goes to show that there are still people that will never let the Amateur Radio Citizens band war end and show theyu personally will never let that war torch die or fade and thats really sad :(
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Im an old coot and never had any problems with anyone because Im running one there on the bands as a matter of fact I hear other guys that say are running them or they have one they run once and awhile as I do.

Most of the what some would call snobby old crabby coots are no longer with us (silent keys) Times are changin newe genersations are her and coming you cant lable these people without knowing them or how they are attitude wise.

Comments and hearing things like this depress me because it just goes to show that there are still people that will never let the Amateur Radio Citizens band war end and show theyu personally will never let that war torch die or fade and thats really sad :(

well said
Everyone should have a 2950dx

I use one as a base radio with power supply, simple set up 2950dx Texas star DX350 HDV I ues the amp and radio ten meters and have worked the world with great reports. no body has ever flamed me for a radio that wasnt a Kenwood Icom etc. Yaesu. havent herd the best reports on mobile use though,But I dont know. Simple antenna IMax 2000. Second radio Is my AM monster Magnum S45HP bought from Sparkys, Told him light tune olny no clipping anything 11 meter mod. didnt want to burn the radio up.. Sparkys did an A+++ first rate job and the magnum has everything an AMer could dream about Top gun echo programed chanels compression up down on the mic.check out the video on cb radiomag,com
have fun
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