Someone has finally booted Uncle Fester Bester for the title of biggest Douche on the CB.
The winner - the loser who everyday gets on the radio to say "Day after day after day its the same thing, what's your handle, hows the weather..."
I have heard this guy almost daily in the DX for the last month. He gets on the air to do his rant everyday complaining about the CB world and yet he chooses to be part of it everyday :bdh:
Worst part is today I heard some guy with a New York accent imitating the other idiot. :headbang
Of course with the DX being so good you can easily talk just about anywhere on 11 meters or freeband to avoid the losers but I thought I'd give him his new title. (Guessing that like Uncle Fester Bester he'll eventually get reported and visited by the FCC, I'm guessing he's probably a licensed Ham like ol Fester was).
The winner - the loser who everyday gets on the radio to say "Day after day after day its the same thing, what's your handle, hows the weather..."
I have heard this guy almost daily in the DX for the last month. He gets on the air to do his rant everyday complaining about the CB world and yet he chooses to be part of it everyday :bdh:
Worst part is today I heard some guy with a New York accent imitating the other idiot. :headbang
Of course with the DX being so good you can easily talk just about anywhere on 11 meters or freeband to avoid the losers but I thought I'd give him his new title. (Guessing that like Uncle Fester Bester he'll eventually get reported and visited by the FCC, I'm guessing he's probably a licensed Ham like ol Fester was).