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A little bit of rain started to come in and the band has died....I'm getting a little AM on CH.17,18,21, and of coarse all the "big guns on 6. LSB 37,38,39,40. are in and out USB 27.555 is quite as well as everything from .555 down to 465 then I hear spanish. Up on 27.675 I hear Portuguese.
A little bit of rain started to come in and the band has died....I'm getting a little AM on CH.17,18,21, and of coarse all the "big guns on 6. LSB 37,38,39,40. are in and out USB 27.555 is quite as well as everything from .555 down to 465 then I hear spanish. Up on 27.675 I hear Portuguese.

Hey Mudduckmobile - what type of antenna are your running when you heard these guys? Are you on a vertical or a dipole? I'm thinking of stringing up a dipole because my fiberglas ½-wave vertical just seems to miss a lot of this stuff. I'm in south Seattle.

Either a dipole or an aluminum vertical instead of the fiberglass maybe.
Hey Mudduckmobile - what type of antenna are your running when you heard these guys? Are you on a vertical or a dipole? I'm thinking of stringing up a dipole because my fiberglas ½-wave vertical just seems to miss a lot of this stuff. I'm in south Seattle.

Either a dipole or an aluminum vertical instead of the fiberglass maybe.
I was on my A99, Feed point at33ft, no GP kit, DX E ngering Coax (8x) 100ft.
and my Yaesu 450d.
I was looking for you guys Sat night on lsb 40.
The last 5 days (not today) I have spook to 118 up in La Push, and I am 1/2 way up the Long Beach peninsula (Klipsan Beach) .
I'm sitting on LSB 38 now.
If we can get a clear day I'll put up new pics of this set up.
I give a call out on 38 every night before sleeping. I'm in Renton, to be specific, and don't think we can ground wave from here. If you wanna .555 sometime, we'll try to see if we can make the trip. I'm at 60watts on SSB, not sure what that will do.
USB .555 now tell 730
And you know that was 2 years ago, and I was in Cent. oregon at the time.
conditions are not in our favor! Just tried a CQ call with full RF out.

I am building a new dipole that may be better than this ½-wave fiberglass stick. I just moved into a new place and I'm on the top floor so that is good. I don't think cutting in my RL-503 would really help much at this time?

Give a call! I'll be listening!
Always a nother time.
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