They are on the air with 3 vertical antennas (30m, 15m, 17m), and 3 radios running 100w from one generator.
They have made over 5,000 Qs mostly CW and SSB. Yesterday they focused on FT8. They have asked that if you work them on CW or SSB , not to work them again on FT8, to give others a chance for a new one.
Lots of QRM, people not working split, band cops, and pirate stations. I think many of the folks in the US that think they have worked them have worked a pirate.
A storm is rolling though today (Thursday). The boat has moved to better deal with the storm. Nine ops will stay on island and operate if they can. They have 4 days of food on the island.
Obviously things are not going as they had planned and they are taking a lot of flack for their minimal signal. I commend them for the attempt and still hope to work them. They really are risking their lives!
Attached is a VOACAP prediction between me and Bouvet. Assumes their 1/4 verticals and 3 element yagis at 66ft at my location in Eastern PA.