A VNA can indicate the approximate resonance frequency of an antenna, a GDO gives the exact frequency.
In the case of the cubical quad antenna, GDO use if you want it to work properly as it is a very narrow band antenna. The VNA indicates the impedance, and a frequency around.. But there is still people who believe that when an antenna is resonant impedance is 50 ohms, and that's a mistake, because each has a different antenna impedance, according to its design, fitness, nearby items etc. But beyond them ..
A cubical quad antenna has a 100 ohm impedance at the feed point, which means 2: 1 and SWR is correct !!
However, the novice would reform the antenna up to show 1: 1, removing the antenna resonance, just to satisfy your S: W: R meter and VNA, and misconception of what is resonance, impedance, couplings, etc.
As though this same novice couldn't be confused into using the grip dip meter to find resonance while completely overlooking the impedance match.