Hi Guys,
Thanks for the kind replies.
Although this thread is certainly not about me, I hope you guys don’t mind the response.
How "stupid" it may seem, I do actually see it as "sharing" information.
A forum is all about learning, so why shouldn’t people benefit from what I have gained in the past.
Each day I still learn, and it is great to share that knowledge.
It’s not a competition of "who knows most", as it is rather stupid to have a "one knows all" attitude.
The entire antenna world is rather complicated.
Especially if we take the environment along with it.
It would impossible to be on top of everything.
If one of the forum “more knowledgeable” doesn’t know something..That’s not a bad thing, not even if it is a manufacturer; it’s a change for learning.
But one thing is clear, dig until you have the right answer. People depend on your answer….make sure it is the right one or at least leaning in that direction lol.
There are books, the internet and yes, sadly they are not always accurate.
Sometimes you need to "discover/confirm" yourself before you can make a claim.
If there is a question or just the “might be true thought” It’s worth the investigation.
And as always…the hunt is the best part
It would be less intelligent to make claims you cannot back up.
On another forum I’m in a discussion with a well known antenna manufacturer who is claiming some things. I know this is not true so I tell him very polite to explain...but now it is rather silent from his side....that kind of attitude is ready for improvement.
In the past i started up a couple informative websites regarding antennas devoted for 11 meters.
A lot of misconceptions were brought to attention. In that period I have written to several antenna manufacturers how they could improve the antennas they made.
Sadly I had few responses.
That’s why I thought...let’s start doing our own thing.
I know I’m right, but if I don’t explain there will be only a few who do “see” it.
So if I explain (or show) it benefits me, aswell as others who can improve what they have.
And no it isnt a real secret, but it hasnt been done before...othewise other manufacturers would have done it already.
And yes it does actually takes a lot of time to improve "things".
Take for example the 4el F-yagi Maco style from above...you won’t find another antenna on that boom with the extra gain. Not even the "optimized 4el of the signal engineering it also lacks 0, 7 dB.
And I guess that’s what it is from a manufacturer point of view all about:
Making sure it is the best there is, and maintaining that position as long as you can
Kind regards,