Ed, I'm not sure what BA1P is, and perhaps the antenna I bought used was not a true Maco but one of the several copies marketed under the Tram, Workman or other names, but this one had 5 pieces of radiator tubing, 4 x 48" (1", .875", .75" & .625") & 1 x 72" x .5" (top).Thank you guys for taking my questions.
NB here are some of the V58 dimensions I see in the manual, Rev 2/10, or else I just took a guess. I don't own a V58.
The hoop radius on the V58 is determined by bracket part P08P and is 5.5" x 0.50" x 0.125" inches. This part is made up of the bracket, SO239, and the wire.
The other bracket part R02P is 7.75"........ inches and it slants up to connect to the base assembly part of the radiator at the top of BA1P.
I don't know how long the base assembly BA1P is...as it comes in the kit, but I've guessed it to be approximately 57" inches overall and maybe a bit more.
I think BA1P is preassembled and is not adjustable as to the overall length. If one needs to adjust the radiator length then the element T43P above BA1P will need to be adjusted up or down. T43P is noted to be 48" inches long and is set 6" inches inside BA1P to allow for adjustments.
The manual says to adjust the radiator length at the point of the element in the top of part BA1P as noted in my comments above.
There is a big bold note for this adjustment point on page 5, where the whole antenna is imaged and the parts are referenced by number.
There are more dimensions I have questions on, but right now my model with the manuals dimensions is showing the radiator to be very short and needing more inductive reactance...no matter where I put the tap point on the 35" inch long tuning coil.
Does anyone know the overall length of BA1P and the location of the spider hub RO3P?
Homer is your radiator glued into the pvc in the base of your antenna?
Your estimate of the ring-match tubing length is close @ 35" but might be a little short, 5.5" plus 1/2 of the 1" diameter radiator base tube x 2 = 12" minus a slight lip of maybe 1/4" outside of the outer edge of where the 3/8" diameter ring-match tubing hole was drilled for a bolt, to where the hole was drilled at the outer end of P08P, leaving about 11.5" - 11.75" outside diameter of the ring match, x 3.1416 = 36.125" - 36.9" plus the 270° more I added = ~64" total length of the matching ring tubing to the top ring arm which I refashioned to match the lower P08P, so basically two P08Ps, the 2nd at the top of the new longer ring match.
Ring match tubing is now ~64" + radiator length of 273.5" (electrical length) for 1.05:1 swr @ 27.185MHz, X = ~2 & 51Ω is what I read on my handy-dandy MFJ "world's best"