C2 said:Switch Kit said:Scope this out C2 .......I haven't a clue ? .....MC ...your prop's are noted. (-: ..... My question still remains ?
Well, you said that you have seen the cap/resistor mod on the scope, so I then assumed that you would know what crap looks like on the scope.
Your question, why remove the limiter with a cheesy swing mod?
Well, sometimes, it's not only important that you can hear me 40 channels away, but that you can also understand me 40 channels away.![]()
1000uf /35 volt cap / 68ohm resistor (I like one watters) I suppose if they don't look good on the scope they could be concedered "cheesy" along with the NPC mods to SSB radios ? ....I've been around for a while C2 and was "told" many times before that these mods didn't look good on the machine. I've heard it to many times before not to dis-believe it. And as far as cutting the limiters in any radio , I've never much liked what my ear holes were hearing after words , as far as your "cheesy" cap/resistor mods ,just never personally felt it nessasary to cut them there after the mod ...just tune it at as close to 100% as I can get ballpark then put in the cap/resistor .....no clip needed. Still a bad deal huh ? if somebody can't figure out how to control there mic gains there after that's not my problem , weather they are right or wrong according to Einstiens theroy of relativity or not ? they work very well for me and others .....I also can't say I hear to many people complaining to me about splatter or bleed over either ...maybe a couple of channels both ways if IM not that far away sure , but I have only gotten top notch radio checks out of my crap all the same.....crap will work as Einstiens will have it , but the bottom line here is that I don't talk to machines. So to answer your question C2 ......No I do not read a scope and even if I did I'd still request a cap/resistor mod from my local tech if I couldn't do it myself . He does it all the time anyway .....bad bad bad tech !!! ....not really though ..he has happy customers and it doesn't look like his doors will be closing very soon ....OH OK ....I know !! like clipping the limiter like a cap and resistor / NPC is ripping my self off of power to my given target in the form of splatter and bleed to adjasent channels up and under the one IM on .....Wow !! just think ...if one would just put those limiters back in line they would in reality be giving themselves upgrades to there systems as long as they know what 100% modulation really was !!! I suppose if one didn't have a scope and could only go the ballpark route ....I suppose it might not be a perfect situation ? ballpark all the same. C2 ? ......I just got 100 - 1000uf'ers at 35 volts for a great price ....you need any ? (-:
God I love the CB radio !! ......AUH YES !! The wonderful world of CB Radio and the charectors behind the screwdrivers and microphnes !!! ....are we having fun yet ? (-: or is it , would those like a little cheese with there whines ? ......I'd like a little with mine if that's OK ? (-: I think I'd perfer to simply run out of piss about now .....that stuff starts to stink after a while. ooouuhh that smell .....can't you smell that smell ? ........the smell that surrounds you. Peace