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50 watt mod? Gimmie the straight scoop...

C2 said:
Switch Kit said:
Scope this out C2 .......I haven't a clue ? .....MC ...your prop's are noted. (-: ..... My question still remains ?

Well, you said that you have seen the cap/resistor mod on the scope, so I then assumed that you would know what crap looks like on the scope.

Your question, why remove the limiter with a cheesy swing mod?

Well, sometimes, it's not only important that you can hear me 40 channels away, but that you can also understand me 40 channels away. ;)

1000uf /35 volt cap / 68ohm resistor (I like one watters) I suppose if they don't look good on the scope they could be concedered "cheesy" along with the NPC mods to SSB radios ? ....I've been around for a while C2 and was "told" many times before that these mods didn't look good on the machine. I've heard it to many times before not to dis-believe it. And as far as cutting the limiters in any radio , I've never much liked what my ear holes were hearing after words , as far as your "cheesy" cap/resistor mods ,just never personally felt it nessasary to cut them there after the mod ...just tune it at as close to 100% as I can get ballpark then put in the cap/resistor .....no clip needed. Still a bad deal huh ? if somebody can't figure out how to control there mic gains there after that's not my problem , weather they are right or wrong according to Einstiens theroy of relativity or not ? they work very well for me and others .....I also can't say I hear to many people complaining to me about splatter or bleed over either ...maybe a couple of channels both ways if IM not that far away sure , but I have only gotten top notch radio checks out of my crap all the same.....crap will work as Einstiens will have it , but the bottom line here is that I don't talk to machines. So to answer your question C2 ......No I do not read a scope and even if I did I'd still request a cap/resistor mod from my local tech if I couldn't do it myself . He does it all the time anyway .....bad bad bad tech !!! ....not really though ..he has happy customers and it doesn't look like his doors will be closing very soon ....OH OK ....I know !! like clipping the limiter like a cap and resistor / NPC is ripping my self off of power to my given target in the form of splatter and bleed to adjasent channels up and under the one IM on .....Wow !! just think ...if one would just put those limiters back in line they would in reality be giving themselves upgrades to there systems as long as they know what 100% modulation really was !!! I suppose if one didn't have a scope and could only go the ballpark route ....I suppose it might not be a perfect situation ? ballpark all the same. C2 ? ......I just got 100 - 1000uf'ers at 35 volts for a great price ....you need any ? (-:
God I love the CB radio !! ......AUH YES !! The wonderful world of CB Radio and the charectors behind the screwdrivers and microphnes !!! ....are we having fun yet ? (-: or is it , would those like a little cheese with there whines ? ......I'd like a little with mine if that's OK ? (-: I think I'd perfer to simply run out of piss about now .....that stuff starts to stink after a while. ooouuhh that smell .....can't you smell that smell ? ........the smell that surrounds you. Peace
S&K, I know you will never realize this, but you DO talk to machines.

Your mic is part of a machine, your radio is a machine, and the signals that your radio sends out cannot be heard by anyone. Only another machine can hear them.

It is just fortunate for you that the machines that do hear your signal only process most of the useable part of it. The reast of the signal that it can't deal with might get filtered off (but the garbage is still there) and sometimes there is just so much garbage that even a finely designed machine cannot help you, and you hear some of the garbage. Most of the time when the garbage is there, you think it sounds good because that is how most CBers get conditioned.

Case in point...there was a study to see what would happen if a guy wore glasses that made the world look upside-down. The wore the glasses all the time, stumbled through life, and after about a month, his little brain did the most miraculous thing, it turned his visual perception upside-down. So now, the world was rightside-up again. That is an amazing thing. Think about how powerful that suggestion is.

What do you think happened when he took the glasses off? He had to stumble around for another month with the world looking upside-down again until his brain put his visual perception back to normal.

Machines never lie, but people can be conditioned into perceiving anything as right or wrong/good or bad.
C2 said:
Machines never lie, but people can be conditioned into perceiving anything as right or wrong/good or bad.

Interesting story to be sure. I have a question about this last part though.

I believe people can be "conditioned", as you say. My question is, what does this have to do with the subject. Are you implying that the 50 watt mod is not what it says it is?

If you were talking about the "snip snip cap resistor mod", I would agree with you. That mod does not imporvie the performance of your radio as stated, but only adds to the junk and makes the radio "swing".

The 50 watt mod, done right, IMPROVES the quality of the radio, the output, and modulation level. Used incorrectly, it could also add junk to the signal.

I have to agree with Nomad on this, if you need more power, get a small amplifier (2x2879 will do it) and call it a day! My 148 is set up this way.

I will be honest though, I do have a Bill Good/Justin Uniden PC76XL with the 50 watt mod sitting on the shelf ready to go.
Master Chief said:
My question is, what does this [Machines never lie, but people can be conditioned into perceiving anything as right or wrong/good or bad.] have to do with the subject. Are you implying that the 50 watt mod is not what it says it is?

This has everything to do with the subject, the low-down on "the" 50W mod.

For the most part, it is about perception. It makes no sense to go by what non-credible people say about it. Manufacturers of equipment post actual specs. It is then up to you as a consumer to debunk the claims. When the only thing to challenge are empty claims by happy customers, there is little substantial material to argue about, and it is obvious that perception is everything and nothing to me.

Assuming the 50 Watt mod can speak for it'self, I am not saying that it is not everything it says it is. I am just questioning what every one else says it is. But I have not really heard what it is other than a "clean" nominal 50W output.

I agree too, that if you really want to run a little power, a small 2-pill is all you really need.

But that specific post was to S&K about his belief that he does not talk to machines and they are somehow removed from the equation, and about his fondness of the cap/resistor mod that he "has seen on the scope" and thus claims is as golden as sliced bread siince his CB'n buddies told him so. :)

I can only imagine what that implys? These things are not pianos and you cannot tune them by ear.
How about the questions I already asked?

What is the level of the 2nd harmonic under the full modulation that produced that 50 Watts?

What are the levels of the 3rd and 5th order IMD products for the same sigal?

"negative peaks reaching zero for an infinite amount of time"

Maybe I don't have that much time.

Is the "flywheel" effect really a technical term? Can you quantify it with numbers? For example, what are the properties of your tank circuit?

Your not really going to go there? I am just asking about what comes out of your output connector. The rest of your trade secrets are yours; besides, that topic would likely get ugly.
But that specific post was to S&K about his belief that he does not talk to machines and they are somehow removed from the equation, and about his fondness of the cap/resistor mod that he "has seen on the scope" and thus claims is as golden as sliced bread siince his CB'n buddies told him so. .........these are your words C2 ....you tend to twist mine around to suit yourself .....I said what I said and I meant what I meant ....just to get it right in your head ....I don't talk to scopes ....forgive me for thinking you couldn't have figured that one out for yourself and getting somewhat feeble there after ....MC .....yes it basically all surrounds this post but yet they do tend to go off track from time to time ...that is the nature of beast .....I'd think about now it was about Mr tech answering C2s question ? .....if there is a answer to begin with ? .....The testamonials are good and well ....over and over and over and over again !!!I heard it the first time !! 50 watt mod ? .....it wouldn't be enough for me in the first place ....I'd rather have a 2 pill to do the trick as said before .....with a cap and resistor of course (-: (My choice) .....I tend to have respect for what you have to say C2 most of the time .....there is really no need for you to twist my words around for your enjoyment or anybody else's .....right about now ...I could totally care less about a 50 watt mod coming from any one or any place.....I was once impressed with them ...but after all of this .....make your 60.00 and be done with it .... add 20 more dollars to that and you could run a small 2 pill that would do 3 times that at least .....oh yeah ...looks as if I must have taken a mental laysics ...(water pill) Damn !! IM fairly sure I should be just about pissed out about now.
50 watts

Why don't 'we' do this:

Let's get one of these '50 watt' Cobras and send it off to a qualified and 'neutral' 3rd party for thorough analysis and commentary? We could then read the results and make the decisions for ourselves. We wouldn't necessarily have to agree or disagree with the results presented, but it would give us a look from someone not trying to protect 'their work'.

This 3rd party would be skilled enough to tell us things such as why (and how) the radio is 'making' as much power as it does, and how the radio 'looks' on the scope from his/her perspective. (etc., etc., etc.)

If we choose to send the radio out for analysis, I would choose someone like Lou Franklin. Lou is a CB repair guy, a Ham and also a helluva nice guy. He also writes in a style that is clear and easy to understand, pointing out good stuff and bullpuckeys.

If I made claims of a '50 watt', 'clean-signal' Cobra, then I certainly wouldn't mind the hassle or financials of sending one of my radios to a 'pro' to put an end to the finger-pointing and claims. (This 'pro', or 'lab', however, cannot be a customer or your best friend Bob to keep things on a level playing field.)

If I was on the skeptic's side of the view, I would then accept the 3rd party's view and shut up, if shutting up was indicated by the analysis and commentary.

Or, alternatively, 'we' could simply agree to not agree and drop it.

If you need further assistance, or my personal view in this matter, please feel free to spam me at rfolden@mail.com. Everyone else does!
IMHO Lou Franklin doesn't "do" anything unless it involves financial benefits for him. You want unbiased tests with full results? Send it to an FCC lab. We won't see the radio ever again, but they will test every aspect of it, both send and receive!!!

Not that your previous comment is even on topic, but I doubt sending it in to an FCC "LAB" is really a possibility. Most equipment is type accepted by sending in 3rd party tests, schematics and photos and proof of "good engineering" design.

You can go to this site:


and put in the FCC ID of just about any FCC 'approved' product and find the documents with which the manufacturer gained 'approval', or in the case of CB radios, 'type acceptance'.

Let's take a specific example:
The Motorola Talkabout T5820 Radio.
Find the FCC ID on the radio, which is AWWT5800
go to the site above
put in 'AWW' for the Grantee code
and 'T5800' for the Product Code
Click on Search
Pick either result and click on "DETAIL"
Say "OK" to the agreement that pops up.
Now examine the list of the 'OET EXHIBITS LIST'

NOTE the RADIO ITSELF is NOT sent in to the FCC for 'testing' or 'approval'. Only thing sent in is lab tests, schematics, photos, etc. And these tests, etc. are sent in via the manufacturer, importer or 3rd party test lab to "prove" that the unit in question meets FCC guidelines for the product.

FG Best

Justin back to insults because Frank won't let you service your customers properly. If I recall I called FG's morning tech and told him exactly what I wanted done to the radio. Sent a letter along with the radio. FG messed up the radio. I had to send it back. Received it back and still no good. Gayle promised me the parts and road map. Still nothing on this side. I guess FG can't follow directions and you receive mods on my Grant LT and aweful.

As I have stated before I realize this is a cb and not an amateur radio. The gasfet or mosfet receive mods did not work properly on my radio. I have spoken to Ray at Galaxy and he confirs. I also admit that the radio seems quiter and more sensitive.

The transmit mod is good and I am happy with the clarifier mod your shop did.

Why did FG mount an external switch without my approval?

Why did you get rid of the DSC without my approval?

I realize your answer is because we had to but that is very much lacking customer service.

I would welcome your posting my e mails to Frank, Gayle and you. Don't forget the one where you called me an idiot.

While we are at it where are the Stryker radios manufactured you are consulting on? Ranger factories or someplace else?
CBShack, if you want to start a thread about how good a Shop's customer service is, do it in the Sound Off section. Don't hijack a thread that is completely un-related.
grant lt

We did discuss the switch over the phone after the fact not before. I never received the parts or the road map.

In your opinion Ray and the other techs at Galaxy don't know what they are talking about?

Is the John your talking about who was a V.P. at Ranger the owner of M.J. Products? I have spoken to him before but I am unsure of his last name.

I realize that there are faults in many or most of the Ranger made radios. Why Mr. Ping doesn't correct these is beyond me. It appears that the cost would be minimal. Why does'nt Mark from Connex, General, and I believe some of the Superstar radios insist on this. I don't know who owns Galaxy but why don't they insist as well. Couldn't Galaxy and Connex go to Giant or the maker of the Northpoint/Magnum radios and have them make their radios as well? Would it be too much to do this? Is Mr. Ping just too wealthy and doesn't care?

I realize that you consulted on the Stryker radio and I hope it really takes off. I hope it has good sensitivity, great adjacent channel rejection, and a quiet receiver. Things lacking in most of todays 10 meter/export radios. I would really like to see a SSB model in the future that sounds as good on AM as SSB. It would also be stable on SSB.

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