Took advantage of a beautiful warm day, and tossed a random wire antenna up.
Going on an article I read by Jack VE3EEC on staying away from 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or full wave lengths from any frequency, or combination's of frequencies you may want to tune up, he gave lengths that he found where good to use. The most I could run from my rig out to the farthest tree was 58 feet, so I measured out a length of #10 twisted copper wire, tossed a line over a good stout Y branch in a maple tree, ran the wire back to the peak of my garage roof, then down the rake, a few feet across the fascia, through a hole in the wall, and to the tuner.
I tried 10 meters, but the best I got was a 3:1, not terribly good, but usable.
12 meters I got something a tad higher, again not terribly good, but usable.
15 meters it flattened out to a little better than a 2:1, and I also made a contact with ZX2B in Brazil on 21.367.0 Mhz, so I know it works there.
Then the real test, I tuned it up on the 75 meter phone band and got between a 2:1 and 3:1, then dialed up 3.814.0 Mhz, and made contact with SR385 from here at WWRF. There was a lot of noise on 75/80 today, and I also discovered that it's not a good idea to recharge the battery to my DeWalt cordless drill while playing radio, that thing adds about 3 "S" units of noise level over and above all the other noise already on there.
Another thing I realized is I have to turn off my other radios while using the random wire, it does put some RF in the shack.....
It's no miracle antenna, but it'll get me a few more places the 20 and 40 meter dipoles could not.....
Going on an article I read by Jack VE3EEC on staying away from 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or full wave lengths from any frequency, or combination's of frequencies you may want to tune up, he gave lengths that he found where good to use. The most I could run from my rig out to the farthest tree was 58 feet, so I measured out a length of #10 twisted copper wire, tossed a line over a good stout Y branch in a maple tree, ran the wire back to the peak of my garage roof, then down the rake, a few feet across the fascia, through a hole in the wall, and to the tuner.
I tried 10 meters, but the best I got was a 3:1, not terribly good, but usable.
12 meters I got something a tad higher, again not terribly good, but usable.
15 meters it flattened out to a little better than a 2:1, and I also made a contact with ZX2B in Brazil on 21.367.0 Mhz, so I know it works there.
Then the real test, I tuned it up on the 75 meter phone band and got between a 2:1 and 3:1, then dialed up 3.814.0 Mhz, and made contact with SR385 from here at WWRF. There was a lot of noise on 75/80 today, and I also discovered that it's not a good idea to recharge the battery to my DeWalt cordless drill while playing radio, that thing adds about 3 "S" units of noise level over and above all the other noise already on there.
Another thing I realized is I have to turn off my other radios while using the random wire, it does put some RF in the shack.....
It's no miracle antenna, but it'll get me a few more places the 20 and 40 meter dipoles could not.....