At DC or 60hz it will be fine. At 50 MHz that is another story. The contact rating is not the issue. The lead length of the wire is.
Agreed.There are ways to change that relay by cutting the wires off that go to the common ports and soldering jumpers across a pair of contact levers so that the normal operation of DPDT is retained but the contact arrangement is different and the lead length is very short compared to what it was before being modified. Looking for a link to a picture of it as I write this. One such mod is in an older issue of the ARRL handbook and is shown on a homebrew 2m amp.
Here are a few pictures of how I am doing my output. Instead of bothering with a connector, I am just attaching a piece of LMR400 Flex directly to the amplifier, then going into the LPF and Dow Key. Saves a connector on the amp and one on the jumper that is going to be there anyway. I am going to add a clamp on the bottom to hold the LMR 400 more safely.
check back a page at my pics you will see my attenuator i got from Florida rf labs
I mentioned the internal power adjustment in the FT-847 but was later informed that this does not stop the spike, the only way to get rid of the spike is to perform this mod:while your idea is much more efficient and high tech i find mine fool proof and alot simpler for me personally, another member also mentioned that some radio (such as the ft 847 which i have) has an internal power adjustment that can cap you output, which is also a viable option.