Obviously do not leave the built-in power supply connected while you use the DC in jack, as far as I remember these radios don't have an ac/dc switch.I put new vr in and same problem.tr14 and tr15 not working. And it does have a D.C. Plug to
R85 is 3.3 k Ohm, if i'm reading the schematic correctly it should have 2.2V by the base of TR14 and the wiper of VR5 & 7.6 volts on the other end, less the voltage drop across R91 (1k ohm resistor) the voltage comes from pin 7 of IC2.Replaced tr14 but that still not working. Tr12 tr15 tr16 not working. Should r85 have power on both sides on it
What voltage is present on the other end of R85?I have no voltage at the base of tr14
if you have 13.77 volts @ pin 7 of IC2, ic2 has failed..... I would say anyway without looking at the radio. It is kind of hard to follow all the things about two or three 89 XLR radios, you a few threads going my man, all on this model of radio.13.77 since I've broke and fell out of power supply board.
Cool, ok so this radio has already been re-capped?I have two but ones just for parts of need be
If you know you have a problem in the a.c. supply, why risk damage to the radio?The ac power supply
A failed resistor on the PSU board, can mess up the range of the VR.What could case the new vr to not fix the power supply