this may be a bit of a crazy idea, but since you have both a working 959 and a non working 939, there is a test you can do that will at least point us in the right direction.
look at J5.
that is the connector that connects your volume and squelch pots to the PC board.
first thing to do is just check and make sure it's fully seated. disconnect it and make sure that no pins are bent or pushed back like they made a mistake at the factory.
J5 OK?
moving on...
you can disconnect J5 in both of your radios and swap them.
it might be a bit tricky or even somewhat impossible to get the radios oriented in a way that the 959's J5 can be plugged in to the 939's socket, but if you can, try it.
like this:
both radios powered up, volume up, squelch down, speaker connected etc...
pull both J5 connectors from their PC board sockets.
plug the J5 from the 959 in to the PC board socket for the 939.
did anything change?
if so, then your volume control, squelch control, or the connections to them are bad in the 939.
no change?
try it the other way and post the results.
IDK this may be too wacky but who knows...