Well I see that you are are talking about me and my work and I just want to say thanks very much for the publicity. I have never been busier than I am now lol. And to Tony why are you so angry and condecending towards someone you dont even know in person. And as far as the mods that I do goes yes I have taken the best mods from the net and I use them to create some of the best custom 148`s out there and I am not bragging just look at my testimonials on my website they speak for them selves. I dobnt hold a gun to anyones head to get work done by me people need a good shop they can trust and they find me and like what I do so whats the problem? I dont get all the negativity towards me nor do I claim that they are my mods. I have found a nich and it keeps me off of the welfare roles what is wrong with that? What I am best at is the mechanics of the whole radio building process. I recently got abird 43 and a band k 2040 and a service master and I am learning more and more everyday. No one can go from knowing nothing to knowing it all in 5 yrs it is not possible. I strive to be the best at what I do everyday. I have taught my self all that I know by trial and error that is how I learn. And now that I have the full support of Farmer Dave I am unstoppable. He is a great guy and a great human being. And about that lying peice of filth scumbag on soulcast that made it all up about me it is all b.s and made up lies I have never nor would I ever rip anyone off If anything I go the complete oppisite way and give freely of my time and give away free work all the time. And if i have aproblem while modding aradio I get another one and redo all the mods for free. The creator of the blog would not let me nor my customers respond to it so what does that tell you about it. All b.s lies. How could I be dishonest about what I do when I have a live shop cam on my bench? It does not add up And as far as my receiver mods go I studied the block diagram and change the rf and if transistors to high quality sanyo 2999 e parts and also upgrade the caps in the radio to minimum 16 volts or higher. What is wrong with that. The 2000 I built for the customer that wanted it wanted all the controls and a recorder on the back plate HE WANTED IT and will never sell it so get over yourself. If you ever want to put the radio back to stock all you would have to do is gwet anopther back plate. And yes I have the all time record on ebay for a 148 it sold for 305 and it was worth every penny over 15 hrs of labor and 150 plus in parts. So anyway in closing I just wanted to thank you all for trying to cut me down and make me look bad to the world. It never works and just makes me busier. Have a good day

I sincerely hope this remains here and does not get taken down by the moderators. Thank you
A response to the rebuttal:
1) I think it is great that you keep off of welfare by doing radio work. I am glad that people do business with you. So long as they don't mind being a guinea pig and you are willing to make the job right should it have a problem down the line, that is OK too.
2) I also do radio work for locals. Some mods, alignments, and some minor repairs. I don't charge them anything except for parts. Some have given me things that help me continue in return, such as pot cleaner and cans of air. More than all, a 'job well done'; that is the best! I would make sure you have all of the basic alignment tools you need before you do any more work. Get a real scope, an
accurate frequency counter, a solid digital multi-meter (Fluke or equivalent),
frequency generator, dummy load, and a frequency sampler. The Bird 43 is nice; and the 2040 will work too.
3) I take a careful, conservative, and well known/approved methods of modding. 'If it ain't broke; then don't try to fix it it' works for me and eliminates any comebacks. I don't like hacked up radios; in fact - all of the mods I do can be reversed if the owner wants. Even the diodes clipped for unlocking clarifiers are left intact so that they don't short out somewhere else and can be rejoined to bring it back to stock function. I don't use the factory switches on the front panel for roger beeps and channel mods. I have worked on hacked up radios and simply refuse to work on them any more. To some, a radio that has been hacked up beyond recognition may have great value. But to many, it is a liability and a risk and lowers the value considerably.
Just some thoughts.
Have fun, and work precisely . . .