I've also already been through that voltage chart as well... surprising ya, ain't I?
I've fixed it though...
IC1... checked the voltages and here is what I got :
Pin 1 should be NC, I got 7.30v
Pin 2 should be NC, I got .16v
Pin 3 should be NC, I got .27v
Pin 4 should be 8.40v and I got 8.69v (not terribly bad off)
Pin 5 should be 0.0v and I got .01v
Pin 6 should be 0.0v and I got .50v
Pin 7 should be 0.0v and I got .98v
Pin 8 should be 7.04 with squelch & .68 with none, I got .01v
Pin 9 should be 2.26v, I got 7.48v
Pin 10 should be 1.53 (lowest SQ) 3.32v (highest SQ) I got that right
Pin 11 should be 0.0v and I got .01v
Pin 12 should be .30v and I got 7.27v
Pin 13 should be .30v and I got 3.20v
Pin 14 should be .60v and I got 7.06v
Now, I looked at the schematic and figured the first things to go wrong would be an electrolytic capacitor, so I started hunting the closest ones to IC1. I came across C32 and while not totally bad, instead of 47uF, it read almost 55uF. So I changed it to brand new one, Nichicon for me.
Fired up the service monitor and bam, receive is given and I hear that glorious 1khz tone @ -118dbm. The squelch is working perfect by the way... I'm pretty sure the alignment is a bit off, so that's in order to be performed.
I believe checking more caps at this point would also be a good idea, guess it's possible that more could be faulty or fixing to become faulty. Input? Ideas?
Thank you to every single person in this thread that responded and thank you Kopcicle, you know why.