Well, yesterday I had a chance to play arounf with the E model. Took it apart and cleaned the heck out of it. Soldered up a few joints. This radio would come on, the meter and dail lights would light up, but the VFO light was out. Also it had no TX or RX.
After the clean up the rig transmits full power on all bands. It also receives on all bands but the RX is down a bit. Most likely a proble with the FET.
I want to find the original 11 meter crystal and put back in the 11 meter slot. There is a 12 meter crystal in there now. I am going to take that out and put in the F.
After the clean up the rig transmits full power on all bands. It also receives on all bands but the RX is down a bit. Most likely a proble with the FET.
I want to find the original 11 meter crystal and put back in the 11 meter slot. There is a 12 meter crystal in there now. I am going to take that out and put in the F.