Your concern for your neighbor is the mark of a good radio operator.
There are many variables that will determine how much you bother your neighbors and volumes have been written about the cause and cure of RFI.
Much depends on how you have your station set up, what type antenna you are using and where it is located relative to the neighbors home. Much more depends on what devices the neighbor has. Since the advent of cable and satellite TV, TVI problems are mostly a thing of the past, but you might still be heard on the neighbors radio, cordless phone, wireless headsets or their toaster.
My advice would be to ground everything at your end and be proactive with your neighbor. Go to them and ask if you are causing interference. If you are then you can take steps to correct it. It's better for you to go to them before they come to you, or worse yet make a phone call to the FCC.
In my experience 200 watts on a properly set up base shouldn't cause any problems to someone 150 yards away, but that doesn't mean it can't happen.
Your concern for your neighbor is the mark of a good radio operator.
Your concern for your neighbor is the mark of a good radio operator.
I used to know a guy that actually could open the garage door next door with 2 kw! He thought it was a hoot and he would purposely do it at all hours of the night just to razz the old guy!!!
IMO, a better mark of a good radio operator would be following the FCC rules regarding power limits and signal quality and not having to worry about disturbing neighbors.
Funny you mentioned garage door. An earlier post said not to run clipped modulation resister. Well i was, on a little uniden pro510xl. Got nervous about screwing up neighbors. Attempted to reconnect resister. Keyed up and... My garage door opens. Key again... Closes and so on. Every single time. The resister is back out now
Sorry I can't give a technical answer but my amp does 250 watts DK 300 "RM ITALY KL-503" audio and to my house when in use it will turn on the motion detector lights some times it will knock the picture off while transmitting I have Time Warner cable, It will come out over speakers when they are turned off or on. My radio is a Cobra 148GTL with the audio turned up all the way and one audio limiter clipped. I can not use any power mike's it will squeal. I have recently grounded and ungrounded "if you can believe" some items and it has cleaned a lot of this up. OK now the upside I have very clean audio and loud as all Hell despite what I have done to this beautiful ebay radio I live in the mountains very hard to get out but my wife and I can hear my base '148GTL' extremely clear with less than one pound in either Mobile's while driving. My mobiles are Cobra 29LTD very good ANL and NB hardly ever use squelch because of irritating static. Now I don't really talk a lot but I am also about as far away as you are with my neighbors and for the last couple years no complaints and I have checked to see if I at least turn on their motion detector lights and it doesn't. Now you have a better amp than I do so you should be better off than me. Our situations are similar and should shed some idea what will happen. Just go for it and see what happens they have TVI filters for this potential problems you maybe facing and a lot of people on this site are extremely knowledgeable and will help to no end.