Now we'll find out how to use the optional diodes and binding posts that we've included in the dummy load..
Measuring Power Accurately
The signal from your transmitter or transceiver is an almost perfect sine wave. We know this because the harmonics are at least 40 dB down from the carrier. When we measure the peak voltage from the detector (the BAV21), we are measuring within one percent of the true peak value of our carrier, not including the diode drop; we will add that back in later.
For power measurements, I recommend that a 0.01uf disk ceramic of at least 250V rating be connected between the binding posts. This will charge to the peak voltage applied to the 50-Ohm load, less the diode drop. You can then measure this voltage with your DVM.
Let's assume you measure 99.6V with your DVM. Add 0.4V for the forward drop across the BAV21 for a total peak voltage reading of 100V. The diode drop is a constant, always add 0.4V to your reading! (This assumes you are using a DVM or scope with an input impedance of 10 Megohms. For 100V DC, the forward current will be 10ua, for a forward drop of 0.4V)
Since this is a peak voltage, we need to divide by the square root of two to get RMS voltage. Take your calculator and divide by 1.414.
100 divided by 1.414 equals 70.72 Vrms.
To calculate power, we take the RMS voltage, square it, and divide by the load impedance, which in our case is ALWAYS 50 Ohms!
(70.72)^2 / 50 = 100W
So the output power, dependant on the accuracy of your DVM, is nearly 100W. If your DVM is accurate, say within 1% on DC voltage measurements, you have nailed your rig's output power within 2%, or 2W!