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(Admin's\ Owner ) The amateur call sign section!

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Carl said:
its so we can arange contacts with each other and not have to hide behind handles, our call signs are out in the open but protected from the general public.

we dont talk bad about cbers or other hams. its just a place to hang out.

all you need to do is bring $14 to a testing session and pass your tnc test. a week later your callsign will be online and you can sign up and join us in there.

Your call signs are on the fcc data base .If you didnt want people to know who you are you should have not aquired a ham licence
unless you know who i am than you would not know my callsign to look up and find my name.

i like to be called by my handle on the air and on the internet. thats why i use the name carl and not my real name.
The fact that the callsigns are in the FCC database is irrelevant. There's a difference between simply being in the database and posting/leaving evidence linking your callsign to posts of illegal activity and so forth, hence the reason to have two different logins, one for the HAM chat, and one for the regular forum when talking about probably illegal activities. It's just common sense to not link your callsign to such things. If you're going to rob a bank would you give them your drivers license? Would you use your personal automobile for your getaway car? This is the same deal, simply having as few links between one's callsign and illegal activity as possible.

I'm not saying the illegal activity is bad, that's for each and every person to figure out on his or her own. What I am saying is the seperate section is merely common sense.
The logic makes no sense...but let me make one qualification, I don't honestly care about the imperialist private forum for the elite only.

It makes no sense why a ham would want to restrict their discussions of illegal activities with only hams.

It makes no sense that they would do that with the mindset of using their call sign in a supposed private forum. I mean, is CW gonna be in there? I'm sure he'd rat out a ham just as quick as a CBer, when times are slow, mind you.

It makes more sense that they would want to discuss things and keep those things private from every one else on this forum, along with keeping their true identities from the rest of the forum.

So, the question is, what would they want to discuss that they did not want every one else to know about and why would they want to be so CBer like and hide behind a proverbial mic?

They might discuss their QSO with another ham, who would be identified by their call sign...

Oh well, the subject was more interesting when I started writing this, but I got bored.

I have to go find out what alt f4 does...
What I'm saying is if that forum didn't exist, hams would have to all either clam up about their callsigns, or have them floating around in the open forum areas (everything except HAM call chat).

My point is I don't want my callsign necessarily associated with CDX454, the_sandman_454 or any other such parts of the identity of this account. I discuss freebanding with this account as well as other stuff. I would rather not have posts like that linked with my ham callsign.

Add that up to the fact I'm probably not all that popular with certain individuals here, and you really see I don't care for too many having my information. Anonymity is one's friend.

The point is in the HAM chat we don't discuss illegal activities, that is strictly for legal activity discussion, which can be at least relatively seperate from everything else on the forum. I partake in both, and I'm not dumb enough to discuss illegal activitiy in association with my call as my username.

Get it yet? It's not that we want to hide our activities as HAMs, it's that we'd rather be able to openly throw the callsigns around without having them associated with our other usernames for a variety of logical reasons.

Anyhow I suppose some people are completely unwilling to listen to the logic behind what's being said, and for those of you, have a good day, as there will be no pleasing you with further discussion anyway...
Well I don't necessarly agree with the section. On one hand I agree with C2, and on the other I agree with 454. I feel that threre are enough "Ham Only" forums that one can attend without creating one on this forum.

This should be an open forum as it has been for years. Those that want to learn can, those that are hans can openly say they are without revealing their number, and CBers (regardless of what some think of us) are actively participating in contests and keep some techs busy with 11 meter stuff.

I don't own this forum, I am not a ham, I am not a tech. I'm just a lowly good for nothing secondclass citizen that enjoys a little piece of the radio world and a class only section is segregation which ever way you want to talk about it.

I didn't want to start another battle, I was just stating my opinion. Anyway ham radio has a great many problems that are going to be it's undoing in the long run, it is not a private good ole boy club, but that is what many try to make it. You must have a license but that is open to anyone not just a few, so if you want the hobby to grow why not let the world see what it is all about? Another thing if you are freebanding that's up to you if you have a ticket the thing to do is keep your mouth shut about it or quit doing it, that way you don't have to worry about some other rat turning you in to uncle Riley. This forum has been about freebanding and cb as well as ham ever since it's been around so why in the world a few of you guys want to bring that QRZ bs here is beyond me! Excuse me that's QRZed. This I'm better than you are crap is the very reason that so many are turned off with trying to get a license, just like this section, guys do it knowing good and well that it belittles folks that don't have a ticket (back to that trying to make a private club thing) , then they have the gall to say well I don't see what you are getting upset about, while all the time they got this big grin on their face. I want to see ham grow and the best place to get new members is the guys that allready have an interest in radio (CBERS), but there are many that just want to stir up the war
Way to sensitive for me...........it's just a hobby.
However while i'm here.....instead of worring about something so trivial i would like to say Thank you Hamer for your time,effort and enthusiasm that you put into "the ham chat section" all done to promote the forum.
BTW i'm a freebander and a NCT and have many hams and freebanders that out rank me.............do i feel belittled or segregated not in the least. Once again it's just a hobby.
Just to make everybody feel better, I made a new forum people can feel belittled about instead of the HAM callsign chat. The Sandman 454's VIP Lounge.
And here I thought you were going to create something more universal, like a

CBer Only forum for the lower class

Freebanders Only forum for the middle class

and you already got the upper class taken care of

the_sandman_454 said:
Just to make everybody feel better, I made a new forum people can feel belittled about instead of the HAM callsign chat. The Sandman 454's VIP Lounge.
OK,Send me the Password so I can get in. I qualify because I have always been "belittled"
Thanks for everyones opinion, the new section stays, it was not meant as a secret hideout or meant as a "higher class citizen" section.

Just a section for someone to sign in with a call sign. If you do not agree, please register on the forum with your real name and in your information please include your real home address. Thanks
Happy_Hamer said:
Thanks for everyones opinion, the new section stays, it was not meant as a secret hideout or meant as a "higher class citizen" section.

Just a section for someone to sign in with a call sign. If you do not agree, please register on the forum with your real name and in your information please include your real home address. Thanks

Thats the whole point Hamer, this is a cb board always has been if you don't want people to know who you are don't tell them. If you want to play super radio god go to QRZ .
Good day!!!
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