I have a serious issue here , I've shipped a radio to radio shop supply in ramona ca back in August the radio was a ranger rci 2950 dx I dropped the radio and bent some of the dials on the front as far as I know it switched on ok but I'm not sure it worked I finally received the radio last Friday back in canada , I drive long haul between canada and the usa , so I got the radio professionaly installed Monday in Fontana california I bought a Wilson 2000 trucker Antenna special bracket for the mirror of my truck a Wilson Antenna mount Wilson cable so yesterday I left california it worked climbing up San Bernardino I talked to a guy on 27.555 usb about an hour after that it stopped working problems are radio crackles and hums slightly also while transmiting on SSB it moves from frequency 27.475 LSB to pa also while I'm taking it flicks from rx to tx I can't even get a radio check on channel 19 ive paid $70.00 for repair $11.00 for a new power lead and $11.03 for new band selector switch I'm really dissapointed here and need advice on my next move the radio has a warranty seal if I send this back to radio shop supply should I take a photo to prove seal is not broke and who is going to pay shipping has any one dealt with this shop and if so did you have problems ,