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Advice on a setup


Jeeper Creeper
Jun 25, 2011
SW WA State
Hi guys,

Pretty much a newbie to this, aside from talking on my dad's and other's CBs when I was a kid in the 70s.

What I need is a good setup for my Cherokee. Although not strictly necessary, I really want SSB. I also want to be able to reach out and touch someone, as I sometimes go offroad out of cellphone range by myself (amateur astronomer and like to go stargazing in the boonies away from city lights), and I am disabled so walking out of the woods is no longer an option for me (did that many times in my youth, though). So, a good bit of power--probably don't need no 100 watts or anything, but more than 4 for sure. An opened clarifier would be something I likely want too. I would also want some kind of power mic or mic gain, since I have a pretty quiet voice. Built in SWR of course, don't want to mess with buying one separate.

Also, a good antenna with a quick disconnect so I can stow it, long as possible but able to take overhanging trees and the like. Or maybe a long whip plus a shorter firestick or something depending on what I am doing.

And all for around... $200 or less (though if really necessary I could probably go a little more). Is that too out of touch with reality? :unsure:

I've been looking at the Grants and the older Cobra 148s, which seem like my best bet. I sometimes see them used for around $150 on Ebay, but have no idea how much it would take to have them tuned and modded to my liking.

Are there any reputable shops that sell them all tweaked and peaked and with unlocked clarifiers and such for a reasonable price? Or would I be better off buying one used off Ebay and sending it to someone (though a lot of the ones sold on Ebay claim all kinds of mods that I really don't want, and can't be sure any of them were done right anyway)?

Or... I can do simple mods myself. I do basic mods on my musical equipment (effects pedals, amps, etc), replacing components and the like. So any mods or tweaks that fall into the basic category I could probably handle myself with a good set of instructions.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

The older 148's and Grants would be a good choice. Also you can pick up a 250 watt Linear cheap and i guess i would go with a 102" whip. At least the whip is flexible. A good radio would be the Magnum OmegaForce S-45hp. That does around 85 watts and i do believe that goes around 270.00 give or take and some Shops include set up and peak n tune in the price. There are some good Radio shops out there. example: The Radio shop in Onterio Ca. Chris Holland, Sparky's CB Shack in Illinois, DTB Radio in Pennsylvania, Bob's CB Shop located in Pennsylvania. The last 3 i mentioned does have a web site.
I have to agree with triple as a old 148GTL is a good choice and another is a uniden pc122xl or a galaxy dx949. Copper electronics has the 148gtl for 149.99 peaked and tuned + shipping or the dx949 for the same price also with the peak and tune. Personally I would go with the 949 or for 20 more the dx959. My 949 I use to use would swing about 30-32 watts on SSB. Not sure about the new 148's but have heard 25-28 watts. Good luck and let us know what you find. Also I would say a wilson 1000 for the antenna and also at copper is this antenna for $62.50. So either the 148 or the 949 with a mag mount wilson 1000 for just a little over $200.
Thanks a lot, guys. I'll check into your recommendations and see what I can come up with.

A few questions:

Is interference from my XJs electrical system going to be a big issue, so I should use shielded wiring?

I've heard said it is better to wire it direct to battery. Why not wire into my cigarette lighter wiring?

Is that a real frequency counter on the 959 or just a display? From what I've read, after modding these to open the clarifier you need to do an alignment, as shown at this link.

Having a 102" whip on top of my Jeep would be great sitting on top of some mountain out in the woods. Might be kind of a pain in the ass in town, or going under low branches and the like. If I could have one of those, and another shorter one to use depending on what I am doing, that'd be great.

Are those 102" whips length adjustable so I could easily stow it away in my XJ?

If I wanted to be able to easily switch antennas, I'd need to go with magnet mount, right? But I've heard lots of stories about those getting easily knocked or blown off, so not sure I want to go with that. Or is there some kind of quick release mount?

Then there is the potential issue of tuning the radio to two different antennas, right?

Thanks for your help.
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Frequency counter on the 959 will show freq. not just a display and it will show added frequencies if you mod for extra channels. A wilson 1000 magnetic isn't going to blow off. I had one on a U-haul from Az to Il in December and hit everything from sunshine to freezing rain and that antenna never even flinched. As for shielded wire I'm a little confused here, the coax from the antenna is shielded. The 102 whip is one long solid piece of stainless steel and is difficult to store inside a vehicle also you would need at least a tri if not a quad magnet system for this unless you mount it permanently through metal or to a bumper or spare tire rack. As for the direct connection to the battery it will pick up less electrical interference and have more amperage. If you are looking for a more permanent install yet don't want to hit every tree limb in town look into a wilson silver load whip but you must keep as much of antenna above vehicle as possible. Putting a stud through the bumper for a 102 is a good way of installing it just make sure when antenna flex's it can't make contact with the vehicle or it will short out, A old tennis ball with a small cut on each side slid down the antenna works well for this. Sorry this is so long but I'm trying to answer all ?'s for you. by the way this site may answer some of your ?'s cbradiomagazine.com hope this helps you out some.
The Radio Shack 102s are O.K. and I went to that link and just wanted to let you know you cannot align a radio with the freq counter that's in the radio. If your looking for unlocked clarifier and a peak and tune look to sparkyscbshack.com as all radios are peaked and tuned when you buy it at no charge. also if you look at the same place you got that link from for extra channels on the 949 or 959 it is easily done if you can solder and you do not need an alignment afterwards!
Thanks for the reply, Bammbamm.

About the shielded wire, I mean the electrical not the antenna wire, to prevent noise. Maybe just good quality wire and a choke?

And yeah, it occurred to me afterwards that I wouldn't be able to use the built in counter to align.

I'm also not really looking at the 949/959s anymore, as I have heard from multiple people that they drift badly on SSB. So I'm back to looking at the old Grants and 148s, which means I'll have to get one used and send it in to someone. Some mods I could probably handle, others not so much.

Also looking into finding a cheap 100-250 watt linear, but so far no luck.

I have considered using Sparkeys, but have been reading on their forum that people have sent their radios to him lately and not gotten them back for 6 months or more, and sometimes they weren't even fixed when they got them back. I registered for the forum several days ago and have yet to be activated. So something seems to be going on there. Maybe he's having some personal problems or something. But I don't really want to risk sending him a radio and not getting it back until next year.

I HAVE decided I'll probably go with a Wilson 1000 or 5000. That's a start. ;) Though I haven't decided whether I'll go magnet or roof mount. The magnet mounts may not blow off, but will they hold up to low hanging branches and the like?

Anyway, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. I know I have a lot of them. I've been doing research and searching these and other forums days now, but I'm still unclear on various things. Part of it is that there are so many conflicting opinions and information, it's hard to nail anything down.

Thanks again.
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" Also looking into finding a cheap 100-250 watt linear, but so far no luck. "

Midnight Special 250

2 SC2290 transistors
240 Watts Peak Power and 80-100 dead key
with 30 watt peak in to it at 14.5 volts
25 amps of current draw
Sideband delay (auto)
Hi / Lo switch
Dimensions (LxWxH inches): 5 x 2.5 x 3
30-day warranty against factory defects. (Fifteen dollar bench charge)
Export use only

Price: $137.99
FYI on the 949, Copper has the factory refurbs for 79.99 right now, pretty good price if you ask me, 2-yr warranty.
I own a 949 refurb from Sparkys and had nothing but problems with it. Ask around on here long enough and you will soon realize that the $ saved by buying a refurb isn't a saving in the end. I eventually gave up on mine and my wife bought me my 257hp for fathers day. I wont even sell my old 949 for fear of passing the headache to the next guy. It makes a nice paper weight on my desk!:lol:
Yeah, I've done the research and read about the frequency drift issues, etc. but rolled the dice anyway. Maybe I'll get lucky. I was looking for a decent "entry-level" SSB radio. Personally I don't see a whole lot of difference in buying a used 148 etc. from a complete stranger with no warranty.

Galaxy wouldn't stand behind their product via the 2 year warranty? Seems like if the radio is a POS they'd replace it or something.

Yeah, I've done the research and read about the frequency drift issues, etc. but rolled the dice anyway. Maybe I'll get lucky. I was looking for a decent "entry-level" SSB radio. Personally I don't see a whole lot of difference in buying a used 148 etc. from a complete stranger with no warranty.

Galaxy wouldn't stand behind their product via the 2 year warranty? Seems like if the radio is a POS they'd replace it or something.


RCI-2950dx is a good SSB Radio. I never had a serious issue with drifting on SSB.
Cheap and Linear do not go hand in hand.
What you want is a Class A amplifier which does not splatter all over the place and stays where it is put.
The bad thing about the CB radio is that first - most people persist in talking AM where they throw half their power away and second - that there is no filters to speak of inside of a cheap Cobra CB radio.

I talk all over the world - with 25 watts on the 10 meters - USB
So why the heck do you need a amplifier?
The key is not to use a amplifier - use a better antenna with more gain.

I wonder what you people would do if you ever saw a Long John beam antenna or a Duo 10.
You would probably crap your pants the first time you heard a signal from California and talked back with 25 watts!

120 watts talk back power - from a transmitter that only puts out the legal limit 4 watts!
Hygain Duo Beam 10

I never thought a Cobra was a cheap radio.The older 148gtl's were a darn good SSB radio, And the older ones are still in use today. And putting a Beam Antenna on a Jeep Cherokee ?? Well, I would like to see this. You are right as far as getting a Tech License, But, There are still some of us Hard Core 11 Meter Operators. Have been since 1974 KHQ 0126
the wilson 1000/5000 mag mounts will stay on fine cause even if you do
hit a tree limb just the whip will sway back n fourth.if you can
find a used cobra 148/grant side mic type that would be ideal
that and a texas star 400 amp you,d have a great setup.
the wilsons if ya dont wanna use it in town you simply unscrew
the coil and whip and leave the mount and coax in place .takes
maybe 45 seconds to do this and theres a cap that goes on
where the coil was to keep water out.

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