I was wondering which signal generator I should get. I've got a Tektronix 465 scope, a Protek freq counter, and a digital volt meter - so I just need a generator to do do my own tune-ups to my own radios. I don't need an expensive unit - just something that will work and do the job right.
I haven't a clue as to what brand to buy. I was looking at some of the older/low-dollar jobs. Again - I just want something that works and will do the job. I was looking at them on eBay for $15-30. They look old and funky; but will they do what I need? An RF generator that puts out an 30mv@1khz audio tone at 27.185Mhz to inject into the antenna connector of a radio to align the receiver.
eBay ? Signal Source, Function Generator and Pulse Generator items on eBay.com. Find IT on eBay.
Know what I mean?
I haven't a clue as to what brand to buy. I was looking at some of the older/low-dollar jobs. Again - I just want something that works and will do the job. I was looking at them on eBay for $15-30. They look old and funky; but will they do what I need? An RF generator that puts out an 30mv@1khz audio tone at 27.185Mhz to inject into the antenna connector of a radio to align the receiver.
eBay ? Signal Source, Function Generator and Pulse Generator items on eBay.com. Find IT on eBay.
Know what I mean?