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All dressed up and no place to go.


Analog Retentive
Apr 3, 2005
Louisville, KY
Here's the first prototype to replace the Palomar 300A plug-in relay circuit board. Looks deceptively simple. Leaving out the receiver preamp sure shrinks the parts count.


Got in the habit of putting a relay's spike diode as close to the coil pins as I can.


The small green circuit board is the keying circuit we sell on fleabay and use for repair jobs. Just made more sense to piggyback an item we already have rather than assemble the keying circuit as part of the relay board design. Saved time.

Just one little problem. Don't have a 300A to use as a tester. Had one here for repair a week ago, but I needed the money so I sent it home with the owner.

All dressed up and no place to go.

I'm sure I'll turn up a 'guinea pig' 300A to see that this thing doesn't have some fatal flaw designed into it.


Hello Nomadradio: How much you asking? I rebuilt one of those yeah....

Jay in the Grate Mojave Desert
Well, it's really not even a product. Yet. I have exactly three of these.

Express PCB will sell you three boards for a fixed fee so long as they are this exact size. Turns out to be the same as the 300A board, but a little longer. I'm still trying to figure out how to exclude the solder mask from the edge fingers on their "production" service. But this particular service is copper only, so that took care of the prototypes.

They'll be available to sell once I get kinks worked out and come up with the money for a proper production batch. Certainly not what people want to hear, but that's the process. Especially if you finance it on a shoestring like I do.

Thanks for the interest and 73
Well, it's really not even a product. Yet. I have exactly three of these.

Express PCB will sell you three boards for a fixed fee so long as they are this exact size. Turns out to be the same as the 300A board, but a little longer. I'm still trying to figure out how to exclude the solder mask from the edge fingers on their "production" service. But this particular service is copper only, so that took care of the prototypes.

They'll be available to sell once I get kinks worked out and come up with the money for a proper production batch. Certainly not what people want to hear, but that's the process. Especially if you finance it on a shoestring like I do.

Thanks for the interest and 73
Usually acetone will take off the solder mask

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