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All things being equal: AB vs C

the bird hf slugs i have dont oversample harmonics like most other meters do, bird hf slugs significantly undersample frequencies above their rated frequency, the A slugs may oversample, a simple test will prove or disprove it, that still does not mean all you see on the bird is real as some would have you believe.

the col would not have a clue how to use a specan even if you sent him to jacks for a weeks tuition,

they are taking the piss with the retarded cleaner than the rest claims because thats what some folk want to hear,
talk some techie sounding shit and you may sway the guy torn between a texas star and a keydown box,

tuned on a spectrum analyser lmfao,


they assemble them using known values, very few of them know how to tune the 6pill and up boxes but they still build / sell them and people screw around with jumper lengths to make them work,
rf transistors will work into a very bad mismatch so almost any turns ratio/lc network values will work and produce power on a meter, if they would not then most builders would be screwed from the getgo,
ask them how they tune them and post it up here, you have more chance of platting piss than getting a honnest answer,
ignorance is easy to hide under the cloak of secrecy,

its overdriven class C, shit on ssb built by people who dont have a clue how they work copying what dave did to win keydowns,
they will fit you ssb delay for a small fee so you can sound shit on AM and SSB, thats ****king great:(.
the bird hf slugs i have dont oversample harmonics like most other meters do, bird hf slugs significantly undersample frequencies above their rated frequency, the A slugs may oversample, a simple test will prove or disprove it, that still does not mean all you see on the bird is real as some would have you believe.

the col would not have a clue how to use a specan even if you sent him to jacks for a weeks tuition,

they are taking the piss with the retarded cleaner than the rest claims because thats what some folk want to hear,
talk some techie sounding shit and you may sway the guy torn between a texas star and a keydown box,

tuned on a spectrum analyser lmfao,


they assemble them using known values, very few of them know how to tune the 6pill and up boxes but they still build / sell them and people screw around with jumper lengths to make them work,
rf transistors will work into a very bad mismatch so almost any turns ratio/lc network values will work and produce power on a meter, if they would not then most builders would be screwed from the getgo,
ask them how they tune them and post it up here, you have more chance of platting piss than getting a honnest answer,
ignorance is easy to hide under the cloak of secrecy,

its overdriven class C, shit on ssb built by people who dont have a clue how they work copying what dave did to win keydowns,
they will fit you ssb delay for a small fee so you can sound shit on AM and SSB, thats ****king great:(.

Some find bliss in ignorance.
HAha, I like the Sex Pistols.

My brother in law is from London, and as a teen, I asked him at dinner with my folks what "bollocks" meant. I had no idea.:blushing:

So is there any builders who make solid state amps that are made the "right way", that are gone over to make sure its done with the least amount of harmonics allowed?
For CB? No. Or maybe 'once in a blue moon'? Why should they? Who says they have too? 'They' are all illegitimate. Sorry if that hurts someone's feelings, but it's true.
- 'Doc
For CB? No. Or maybe 'once in a blue moon'? Why should they? Who says they have too? 'They' are all illegitimate. Sorry if that hurts someone's feelings, but it's true.
- 'Doc


The standards for CB are different than those that are considered "clean" on the HF bands.

Narrower bandwidth, better signal source and other considerations apply.
Does it matter?

Your CB peers won't care, why should you?

If I was to set up a CB radio with an amp, I'd use a DaveMade.

Nobody would appreciate an Alpha, it's a different world.

CB AM is all about lip cutting, nothing else.

Signal linearity isn't the game there, a big signal is.

If you want clean and clear, get your ticket.

Otherwise, have down and dirty fun on CB.:thumbup:
i guess im one of those people who wouldnt jump off a cliff just because everybody/somebody else does .
Last edited:
"the col. never said he was getting 250 per 2879........"

AmpsRus.net - We specialize in sale & repair of cb radio and amplifiers. : Mobile Amplifier

yes he has.

Transistors 2 x 2SC2879 500 watts
Transistors 10 2SC2879 2500 watts
Transistors 12 2SC2879 3000 watts
Transistors 16 2SC2879 4000 watts

anyone for 300W?

Transistors 1 2SC2290 Driving 2 x 2SC2879 600 watts

that's specs fatboy provided for their amps . his 125 to 150 per 2879 comment was about running annaconda amps . ive seen people post on forums about getting 700 and 800 watts out of a texas star 500 , but i wont run mine that way . any amp can be over driven to distortion or failure .

not trying to argue . i prefer AB myself and thats what my amps are .
It doesn't matter what it is there will all ways be smoke and mirrors in advertising.

Most consumers just know they want something, they don't do their homework. They go out and buy it, hook it up like the guy at the store tells them to, then wonder why the magic smoke comes out just after the 90 day warranty expires.
I have to agree "most cb opps. do just as they are told" how ever here we have one that is trying to get FACTS and instead of helping him you guys seam all to happy to vent your frustration twords amp builders? Just give him the info he asked for allready!!!!

I don't have the knowldge he wants or I would but I know some of you who have responded DO and it boggles my mind why you don't tell him or for you hams "ELMER" him allready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


P.S. I thought the idea was to help eachother out not just bitch and moan about who dose what?

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