The house shack is coming together slowly. I have a bit of junk in there now.
Wife is going to flip!!
Since I have all this in the house I had to set up a small repair station:
WOW a great looking station, a nice accomplishment.
807 well when I got my ticket to celebrate anything in radio was a cold 807...can or bottle.
Well a 1625 is basically an 807 with a 12.6 volt filament . Other specifications are the same. The 6146 is a variant of the 807. I don't like the idea of running eight of them however. Pretty much akin of the old CB sweep tube amps. far too many tubes for the job. Time for bigger tubes. I personally would not run any more than four and preferably only two. I know it's only 75/80m we are talking but nevertheless. A pair of 807's should be able to provide a decent drive level for a big amp. We used a pair of them in class B audio service driving the grids of a pair of 833C's in the modulator stage and another pair driving the grids of a pair of 833C's in class C plate modulated service in our Gates 1 Kw AM transmitters.
WOW a great looking station, a nice accomplishment.
807 well when I got my ticket to celebrate anything in radio was a cold 807...can or bottle.
Looks good. I build my operating desk a few years ago as well. Instead of reposting everything here again I'll just post a link to the thread I started on it. The layout is pretty much the same but I think it will be rearranged this fall once I get back on the air and get a few things added/changed out like a remote antenna switch controller and a new Yaesu rotator controller and a few other little things.
Yep, early 62 model I do believe.
Radio likes a lot to be desired, not good on AM since it uses only one of the side bands with carrier, no CW side tone, no RIT, and uses sweep tubes as finals.
The 500 and 1000 were a bit better.
RT: IS that and National NCX-3 setting next to the 101's?
You don't see many National's any more. My Elmer had an was a strong talker...
I had a NCL-2000 once and would love to find NCX-500 or a NCX 1000(extremely rare!)...
Very nice indeed
All the Best
Sold most of my Swans (had a 350D /500CX /700CX even a drifty 240)...
that's when I went to the Yaesu rigs
I still have a 700S/spr-ps/ Ext. VFO and Vox unit on the self