the simple reason for the general public not being alowed in was for the security of the amatures in there. identity theft is a real problem, we had to use our call signs and by law the fcc has our real names and adresses available for lookup. we cant fake any of our info, the fcc will revoke your licence for that. it had nothing to do with the people on the forum, it was for our protection against the name harvesters that search random sites collecting and selling personal info.
if we were able to sign up using a handle or fake name anyone could have been allowed in, but we were required to use our call sign and email address listed with the fcc, for the safty of every amature it was checked before we were allowed in. im not sure about you but i dont want my name, address, county, zip code, citys gps location, area code, and personal email adress posted for every one in the world to see regardless if they were a cb'er or not.