Richard: I am, having run that amp for years off/on, this amp requires no more drive than 50w PEP.
I tune mine with about 25 watts carrier in CW mode. Then a very
quick touch-up tune with 50 watts carrier.
I suggest getting the amp control cable which has the ALC cable. This assembly has two cables running from radio control point.
#1 RCA Jack marked relay
#2 ALC (also RCA jack)
The ALC helps control any over drive.
(The IC-7300 is notorious for ALC overshoot) (as many radios are)
This is a way to help control that issue
This amp should be operated (IMHO) to where PEP Output reaches about 500 watts. 160 thru 20 meters
(10/15 meters should not exceed 400 watts PEP)
It is important to watch the GRID current level when operating. Grid current should not reach higher than mid-scale on voice peaks. (again IMHO)
This will extend the life of the tubes greatly.
Icom IC-7300 Amp Relay Cable With ALC & Relay Buffer
ALC is likely to cause you more frustration than good. There is an actual miniature relay inside that will switch up to 200V @ 1.5A. FYI - Color coding I use is RED for relay and WHITE for ALC. A word about ALC.
Good Guy! He's a Ham~!
The ALC provides a feedback voltage that comes from the amp and adjustable via rear panel knob. This small signal once adjusted correctly helps hold the drive level in check, it helps slow any big swing in drive level that can reduce tube life. This signal can also help maintain drive to keep the rig/amp operation from splattering on voice peaks.
Just a couple suggestions Richard.
I also have used 572B tubes in mine. These tubes are direct drop-in replacements for 811A's. They however are constructed much stronger than the presently available 811A's.
Thus, they are much less susceptible to the overdrive condition.
These tubes however have risen in price over the last few years dramatically.
I have had the same set of Svetlana 572B's installed for like 10 years...have used this amp on couple Field Days and gave them a workout.
These tubes are still I would say about 80%...about 450 watts...
Nobody will EVER notice the difference signal wise between running this amp at 600 watts vs. 450-500w.
All the Best
PS: I have other amps that I use normally (Drake L4B for EX
I keep this one around, because small desktop size and it is the only amp, I have that covers the 160m band, other than a Solid-State amp which I presently run mobile.