... I don't care what the designer says/thinks. That designer said that it -could- be done, not that it should be done...
- 'Doc
actually he says this:
"To: <amps@contesting.com>
Subject: [AMPS] New to the Amps list
W8JI@contesting.com (Tom Rauch)
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:16:51 -0500
> 1) Is the AL-811H the same copy of AL-811, but
> has an extra matched tube.??
No. The AL811H is neutralized and has a few other changes. I'd go
for the AL811H.
> 2) Can i buy an AL-811 and then later, when i
> retube it, drop in a matched quad of 572B's to
> make it a AL-811H. I assume the 811 will have an
> unused tube socket.
You can drop in 572B's, but it would be a bear to add a fourth tube
to the AL811. Three 811's are just on the edge of not needing
neutralized, add a fourth tube and you would need to neutralize
otherwise you'd have the Clipperton Syndrome.
Even the Collins 811 amps with four 811's are not totally stable
because they lack neutralization.
572B's are a good mod to the 811 amp, they make it almost bullet
after some "digging around" i found that Tom was TOLD (by the manufacteur) to design an amp around the 811 tube, and that the amp had to be able to sell for a specific price range,..... so the al 811 was designed & built as a "compromise" amp.
if you are doing "light" duty cycle operations, then the 811 tube is fine, but, if you are doing other modes with a full duty cycle, then the 572-b (with about TWICE the dissapation), does make sense.