There's a Huge Difference between MRF453's and the SD1446's
I disagree with that, the 453 and the 455 are identical, PO, gain, input/output impedance same spec`s the only difference is the case size, go look at the data sheets.
And the 1446 is a common replacement for the 455.
Aside from minor differences, and the fact that the 453`s have slightly higher gain, they are designed to work @ 30 Mhz were the 1446 is actually made to work @ 50Mhz they are often used in place of 455/1446/sd1074 devices.
I agree, the amp died the first time from excessive heat and may have taken other things with it.I've seen shorted caps, open resistors, bad bias circuit components or high bias current... You gotta use your print and check everything
These basic design of these CB style amps gives lots of room in replacement devices, and I have used 1446/455/453/sd1074 in several amps with out having them go bang .
Here is a perfect example:
If you are trying to optimize the amp for maximum power output, yes you can spend some time and improve the input/output match for a few more watts.
But the are accepted replacements.