Depends on a few things, really. Fixed/mobile, new/used. And mainly how much money you are willing to spend.
I've found that is you have 120/240 Vac available a tube type amplifier is very nice. If no AC at all, then a solid state amplifier tends to be more convenient.
One thing to think about with tube amplifers is how long do you think that particular tube is going to be available? Picking one in general use, which will be around for a while is very nice, and much cheaper in the long run.
About the same thing with solid state. The trend is to use mosfet transistors instead of the more common types, so you might keep that in mind.
I'm a fan of 'Ameritron' amplifiers. Used that brand for a lot of years and figure they will be around for a lot more. Most of the problems I've ever had were caused by me not thinking about what I was doing at the time. The design is good, sometimes my 'thinking' isn't.
Another aspect, or way of thinking about amplifiers is it's usually better to have more in 'reserve' and not use it, than to not have an amplifier 'large' enough for what you want to do. From that stand point, and for the power range you give, my choice would be an 'AL-80b' (or an 'AL-80' if you can find one). It uses a '3-500' tube and I think they'll be around for longer than I will be. Like it or not, the 811s and 572s are sort of on the way out. Not bad tubes, just not much market for them any more.
And one last thing. Pay attention to the voltage and current requirements for the amplifier keying line. Especially on the older amplifiers, such as the 'HeathKits', that voltage can eat up a solid state radio faster than you might believe. Simple solution for that, just use an external keying relay/switch of some sort. May not be needed, but those external 'switches' are nice insurance for any amplifier, sort of.
The 'best' amplifier is only a matter of personal preference. 'Ameritron' is my preference, it certainly doesn't have to be yours.
Have fun...
- 'Doc
[All so called 'CB' amplifiers are bastards. They are not legitimate. That can mean a lot at times, service, availability, and so on. Some are good, some not. Your choice.]