My feelings are hurt and I find your remark bad natured.
I personally believe that to increase your chances of being heard in DX, you should strive for maximum splatter and over-modulation across all 40 standard CB channels.
I have also found that screaming into the Mic and talking so fast that no one can understand you seems to help as well.
Warning: This is an intentionally bad natured post!
noise toys = gay
yeah I said it
ive had a TS 500v and a palomar 225 that is ab biased and filtered . i drove them with a uniden washington doing 16-17 watts pep . i got about 500 watts from the texas star and i kept the palomar under 200 watts pep . both amps got compliments on ssb so either will be fine . i sold the 500v and kept the 225 , not because the 225 was cleaner , but because the 300 watt difference didn't seem to make any contact difference with folks a few counties away and it didn't seem to make any difference with skip contacts either .
i stick with ab biased amps . is the 900 HD a class c amp ?
ill also recommend the texas star over the 900 HD .
Based on users of both a Palomar, and Texas Star which would you use if only had to choose one? And dont forget about SSB use!
Palomar Elite900 HD, or Texas Star 500V?
ive owned both and no problems at all. the texas star i still gotPalomars suck and Texas Stars are sort of OK for what they are. I wouldn't spend MY money on either.