Simple layman’s formula for matching radios to linear amplifiers:
Confirm type of pills (bi-polar transistors) in amp.
Confirm max rated output for one pill, before distortion, from data sheet or equivalent.
Divide max rated output of said pill by 4. This is the safe AM dead key wattage for the pill.
Confirm total number of pills in amp.
Multiply the safe dead key wattage per pill by the total number of pills in the amp. This is the safe dead key wattage for the final output of the amp. This 1:4 dead key to max peak wattage ratio is usually optimum for AM.
In AM mode, turn mic gain on radio all the way down. Key the mic. Adjust the RF dead key power output on the radio so as to not exceed the safe max dead key wattage rating figured above for the final *output on the amp. If its too low and/or the radio will not drive the amp to safe max rated power under 100% modulation, the radio is undersized for the amp. If the dead key is too high, other internal adjustments/modifications will be required to the radio to bring the dead key down to a safe level for the amp.
Check SWR at amplifier output with mic gain down and key mic as above. Adjust antenna length/placement so as to not exceed 2:1 SWR.
*Note: All radios and amplifiers will match differently. There are no universal set dead key wattage ratings until the above procedures are followed in the field. A quality calibrated external watt meter and SWR meter are recommended.
**Important: Appropriate power supply rating and interconnect power wiring sizes are required for proper operation. Suggested power supply formula for 2sc2879 (PP100) pills is
20 amps per pill at 13.8 volts DC. Multiply the number of 2879/PP100 pills in the amp by 20 amps and that is the recommended maximum amperage rating of the required power supply. Your voltage may vary