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Amplifier Books


Mar 30, 2008
Are there any books that are devoted to the building and repair of rf amps?

Let me restate my question. Are there any books that are devoted to the building and repair of rf amps for the 11 meter band?

Are there any books that are devoted to the building and repair of rf amps?

Let me restate my question. Are there any books that are devoted to the building and repair of rf amps for the 11 meter band?

I have to wonder why someone would want to write about something that
does not exist...

Wonder, who might print a Best Seller like that one :) in hardback of course.

Sorry, I could not help myself

I have to wonder why someone would want to write about something that
does not exist...

Wonder, who might print a Best Seller like that one :) in hardback of course.

Sorry, I could not help myself


Thats quite alright John. I guess it was a stupid question. But now I have to wonder is it the 11 meter band that doesn't exist of the rf amp.

The reason I asked the question was because I have a tube type linear, box, kicker, rf amp that doesn't work and wanted to learn how to fix the thing. After all it has to be simple doesn't it? It should only have a power circuit, a keying circuit and a amplifier circuit.

I guess I am on the wrong website. I guess this webstie is here to point out someone elses ignorance on the subject and not help them with problems.

You are the man John. You have taken an ignorant CBer and made him look like an ass for asking a stupid question.
Are there any books that are devoted to the building and repair of rf amps?

Let me restate my question. Are there any books that are devoted to the building and repair of rf amps for the 11 meter band?

Pick up some old Radio Amateur Handbooks from the 60's and 70's. They have circuits that you can build and it gives info and circuit operation break outs.
Thats quite alright John. I guess it was a stupid question. But now I have to wonder is it the 11 meter band that doesn't exist of the rf amp.

The reason I asked the question was because I have a tube type linear, box, kicker, rf amp that doesn't work and wanted to learn how to fix the thing. After all it has to be simple doesn't it? It should only have a power circuit, a keying circuit and a amplifier circuit.

I guess I am on the wrong website. I guess this webstie is here to point out someone elses ignorance on the subject and not help them with problems.

You are the man John. You have taken an ignorant CBer and made him look like an ass for asking a stupid question.

Cricketsman05, PLEASE believe me when I say it was not my intension to make you
feel ignorant for asking your question.

On the contrary, I believe that you have probley looked for the answer before asking
the question.

If a person dosn`t ask then he will never know.

As for being a CBer, that is not a issue with me at all ! myself a Lic.Op but also
a Card Holding outlaw CBer..

I am sure that you have a lot to contribute and are Certainly Welcome here at the forum.

As you can tell I have a Dry sense of humor :( thats all it is. Maybe I will throw
a splash of water on it :)

Good Luck and have a great day.

Best Regards,

John aka. The Dealer CDX211
Amps are not a purely nuts and bolts thing to troubleshoot.

You have to have the equipment necessary to run signals through them and examine the output...lots of cash. Otherwise you will be outputting a dirty signal or cook the amp components.

You can get hurt really badly 'playing' around with amps if you don't understand what you are poking at.

You can get hurt slowly if you are exposing yourself to high levels of RF radiation if you don't know what you are doing.

I've been looking into this for a long while and it is nowhere near as simple as you may think. They are simply not a weekender bench project with a screwdriver, soldering iron and a VOM. The more I read, the more this becomes obvious.

And one last bit, RF amps are RF amps are RF amps in principle. There are different approaches to the circuit designs, but what band they wind up on is the simplest part of the equation to fix and just a few components here and there. So to add back to the original question, by asking for 11m specific amp instructions...it really shows you don't know what you're asking right now, and my advice would be to find someone who is qualified to work on it with/for you.
Thats quite alright John. I guess it was a stupid question. But now I have to wonder is it the 11 meter band that doesn't exist of the rf amp.

The reason I asked the question was because I have a tube type linear, box, kicker, rf amp that doesn't work and wanted to learn how to fix the thing. After all it has to be simple doesn't it? It should only have a power circuit, a keying circuit and a amplifier circuit.

I guess I am on the wrong website. I guess this webstie is here to point out someone elses ignorance on the subject and not help them with problems.

You are the man John. You have taken an ignorant CBer and made him look like an ass for asking a stupid question.

Don't get discouraged.... I think what everyone is pointing out is start small and basic.
The ARRL handbook is indespensible. Theres alot of info in there.
Have some fun and build some small rf amps or audio amps.... theres alot of guys that are into hobby electronics that taught themselves... don't get discouraged.
Having a good site like Freecell pointed out is a very valuable resource.
You asked for books.... Freecell gave you a link for a free book.

Troubleshooting electronics is a skill you have to learn with experience....theres lots of schematics, forums, info, reference text online. Eventually you can pick up alot of of info about amps just by putting the time into it.
Check around for info on push pull circuits or solid state rf amps. Don't narrow your search field for just 11 meter amps.....look for info on specific types of amp circuits.

Take care
I'm fully ready to be harassed for this one.

There was a book printed by J.L Richardson called CB Tricks II.
He was a broadcast engineer for KXIO in Clarksville AR.
However 75% percent of it was all about amplifier design.
The Table Of Contents looked like this:
Solid State Linear Amplifier Design and Theory......
Power Supply Figures......
How To Build The Ferrite Broadband Transformers....
Homebrew Amplifiers.....
The book covered both tube and solid state design.
i cant find their web site but PowerPlate used to sell both amps and amp kits . they also sold several different instruction books with a video disk of pics and such for different amp configurations . if youre just looking for instructions on how to build a amp (and not how or why it works) they could help you . maybe someone still has the instructions and disk you could use/copy/buy if the company no longer offers them . i think that companys main business was manufacturing glass/acrylic windows for aircraft and sea vessels .
would never harass GRTS.....your love of GALAXY radios notwithstanding.....i too have a copy of CB Tricks II-when it was new, some of the included radio 'mods' weren't to be found elsewhere. oh yeah, i also built some stuff using his info.....
The pfs stuff was great but you still need to know values and the math of electronic parts...I have a electronics hobby and pro audio past....when things break i would fix them or die trying. I have a guy working with me that knows nothing about electronics but he is copying my instructions and doing a good job. Slowly he will know why a plus b is c......I have lost a lot of money learning on my own.....smoke had filled my shack many times. I almost quit ........i have 1500-2000 in used equipment and still do not have a signal generator. It is a lot cheaper to get someone to fix your amp for you unless you get the tiger by the tail and get some equip and read read read read....no one was lined up to help me....only a few good gentlemen. For the most part I had to figure it out myself. there is plenty of knowledge on the webb to learn if you have the time. I am disabled and have the time to learn and have to continue to learn .....for me it was a life saver for a bored middle aged disabled man. oh yea the pfs had pictures for their small amps with parts list and schematics.....good stuff.....I also bought lots of used amps and studied them. I would start with really looking at a small dave made amp if you are looking for 11 meter knowledge.......the values are not there but you can get them......you can see how to lay it out......you also must be good with your hands ..drilling and taping and using a dremel tool and such.....we make lots of stuff to save money.
good solder joints are a must also.

I am just a little fart compared to most here but this is just my two cents worth.......if it means alot to you and you do not mind spending some cash, and you have alot of time....you can do it.

galyn davis
It can be done.....

The pfs stuff was great but you still need to know values and the math of electronic parts...I have a electronics hobby and pro audio past....when things break i would fix them or die trying. I have a guy working with me that knows nothing about electronics but he is copying my instructions and doing a good job. Slowly he will know why a plus b is c......I have lost a lot of money learning on my own.....smoke had filled my shack many times. I almost quit ........i have 1500-2000 in used equipment and still do not have a signal generator. It is a lot cheaper to get someone to fix your amp for you unless you get the tiger by the tail and get some equip and read read read read....no one was lined up to help me....only a few good gentlemen. For the most part I had to figure it out myself. there is plenty of knowledge on the webb to learn if you have the time. I am disabled and have the time to learn and have to continue to learn .....for me it was a life saver for a bored middle aged disabled man. oh yea the pfs had pictures for their small amps with parts list and schematics.....good stuff.....I also bought lots of used amps and studied them. I would start with really looking at a small dave made amp if you are looking for 11 meter knowledge.......the values are not there but you can get them......you can see how to lay it out......you also must be good with your hands ..drilling and taping and using a dremel tool and such.....we make lots of stuff to save money.
good solder joints are a must also.

I am just a little fart compared to most here but this is just my two cents worth.......if it means alot to you and you do not mind spending some cash, and you have alot of time....you can do it.

galyn davis

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